Goal Lists for Viewers

Anyone on an account can have access to a Goals list without having to be assigned a KPI on the Goals list.  This is helpful if you want a particular VIEWER user to be able to view a goal.

Goal List Users

A particularly cool feature is that now any user that is on a goals list will receive the Goals Summary Email that gets sent out weekly.

For example, a team leader may not have any particular goal from the list assigned to him but if added as Goal list user, he will receive the goal list summary email every week. To control Goal list users click More from the top right and select Goal List Users:


You will be prompted to select the users in the next screen:


Note: If you remove a user from KPIs they are assigned on, they will not be removed from the goal list itself.  


To learn more about Goal tracking, take a look at this article: 101 Goals.

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1 comment

  • Amazing. I was just going to submit a request for this and thought I would check the updates. Wonderful job team! Love the work you guys and gals do.
