Time Entry Extended - Historical Data for PSA Cloud


The Time Entry Extended gauges and dashboard are available for use with ConnectWise PSA™. With the new sync architecture (called 2.0) in place, you can leverage historical data for time entries created within the past 395 days to make effective business decisions.

Important: This feature is only available for cloud-hosted ConnectWise PSA partners. For more information about using ConnectWise PSA as a datasource, refer to the Connect to ConnectWise PSA Cloud documentation.

Note: The 2.0 Time Entry Extended dataset is currently only available to EA (Early Access) partners in the NA and EU regions.

Default Dashboard

There is a new dashboard available with the “Time Entry Extended” dataset. You can pull metrics for agreement and invoiced hours in the last 12 months, learn how much your technicians are being utilized, and get information that will help you make more informed business decisions. Additionally, it contains gauges that are detailed in the Default Gauges section and screenshot below: TimeEntryExtended.png

Default Dataset

The Time Entry Extended dataset utilizes the new 2.0 syncing architecture and allows you to see time entries created within the last 395 days. Refer to the table below for descriptions of the dataset fields:

Field Descriptions

Name of the Field 

Field Description 

Activity Subject 

Displays the subject line of the activity associated with the time entry. 

Actual Utilized Hrs 

Displays the number of actual hours on the time entry that are marked as utilized for reporting purposes. 

Agreement Adj Firm 

Agreement adjustment charged to the internal company, based on the checkbox option on the Agreement. 

Agreement Adj Total 

Total Agreement adjustment. 

Agreement Amt Covered 

Displays the dollar amount covered by the agreement selected on the time entry. 


Displays the name of the agreement selected on the time entry. 

Agreement Hrs Covered 

Displays the number of hours covered by the agreement selected on the time entry. 

Billable Amt 

Displays the dollar amount that will be billed for on an invoice. 

Billable Flag 

Displays if the time entry should be billed on an invoice or not. 

Billable Hrs 

Displays the hours that will be billed on an invoice. 

Billable Utilized Hrs 

Displays the number of billable hours on the time entry that are marked as utilized for reporting purposes. 

Billing Log Recid 

Displays the unique identifier of the invoice associated to the time entry. 


Displays the Business Group selected on the time entry. 

Charge Code 

Displays the charge code selected on the time entry. 

Charge To 

Displays the record selected in the Charge To field of the time entry. 

Company and Agreement 

Displays the company name and agreement associated to the time entry. 

Company Name 

Displays the name of the company set in the Company field on the time entry. 

Company Type 

Displays the type for the company associated to the time entry. The max limit is 500 characters. 

Date End 

Displays the date and time entered in the End Time field of the time entry. 

Date Entered 

Displays the date and time of when the time entry was created. 

Date Invoice 

Displays the date selected in the Date field on the time entry. 

Date Start 

Displays the date and time entered in the Start Time field of the time entry. 

First Name 

Displays the first name of the member selected on the time entry. 

Hourly Cost 

Displays the hourly cost for the member selected on the time entry. 

Hourly Cost Decimal 

Displays decimal value of the hourly cost for the member selected on the time entry. 

Hourly Rate 

Displays the hourly rate the time entry will bill for on an invoice. 

Hours Actual 

Displays the value set in the Actual Hours field on a time entry. 


Displays the id of the time entry. 

Internal Note 

Displays the information entered in the Internal notes section of the Time Entry. The max limit is 500 characters. 

Invoice Adj Firm 

Time entry adjustment that is charged to the internal company (Based on the checkbox on the invoice). 

Invoice Adj Total 

Total time entry adjustment. 

Invoice Flag 

Displays if the time entry has been added to an invoice or not. 

Invoice Number 

Displays the invoice number associated to the Time Entry. 

Invoice Ready 

Indicates that the time entry is ready to bill. 

Last Name 

Displays the last name of the member selected on the time entry. 

Last Update 

Displays the date and time of the most recent update to the time entry. 

Last Update UTC 

Displays the date and time in UTC of the most recent update to the time entry. 


Displays the location selected on the time entry. 

Member ID 

Displays the member Id of the member selected on the time entry. 

Member Name 

Displays the name of the member selected on the time entry. 

Nonbillable Amt 

Displays the dollar amount of that is not billable for the time entry. 

Nonbillable Hrs 

Displays the number of hours that are not billable for the time entry. 


Displays the notes entered on the time entry. The max limit is 500 characters. 

Opportunity Recid 

Displays the unique identifier of the opportunity associated to the time entry. 

Billing Status 

Displays the billing status of the time entry. The billable option id (B, NB, NC) = billable, non-billable, no charge, etc. 

PM Project Recid 

Displays the unique identifier of the project associated to the time entry. 

Project Activity 

Project ticket summary if the time entry is against a project. 

Project Name 

Displays the name of the project associated to the time entry. 

Project Number and Name 

Displays the project number and name associated to the time entry. 

Project Phase 

Displays the name of the project phase associated to the time entry. 

Same Day Entered Flag 

This is a BG calculation that checks whether or not the time entry was entered on the same day as the time entry is for. This is used to check whether users are waiting until the end of the week to enter time or are they doing it as they perform the work. 

So Activity Recid 

Displays the unique identifier of the activity associated with the time entry. 

Ticket Status 

Displays the current status of the ticket. 


Displays the summary of the ticket associated to the time entry. 


Displays the territory of the company associated to the time entry. 

Ticket Current Board 

Displays the current board of the ticket associated to the time entry. 

Ticket Number 

Displays the ticket number associated to the time entry. 

Date End Day 

Displays the date set in the End Time field on the time entry. 

Time Recid 

Displays the unique identifier assigned to the time entry. 

Date Start Day 

Displays the date set in the Start Time field on the time entry. 

Time Status 

Displays the current status the time entry is in.  

Updated By 

Displays the member ID of the member who last updated the time entry. 

Utilization Flag 

Indicates that the time entered against the work type on the time entry will be utilized for reporting purposes. 

Work Role 

Displays the Work Role selected on the time entry. 

Work Type 

Displays the Work Type selected on the time entry. 

Time Cost Actual 

Displays the cost for the time entered on the time entry. 

Agreement Type 

Displays Agreement Type template selected on the agreement to apply default fields to the agreement. 

Member Daily Capacity 

Displays the number of hours a member can be assigned each day. 

Ticket Type 

Displays the service type selected on the service ticket the time entry is for. 

Ticket Sub Type 

Displays the sub type selected on the service ticket the time entry is for. 

Default Gauges

  • Agreement Hours vs. Invoiced Hours – Last 12 Months: Displays hours covered by agreements compared to hours that were invoiced to customers. 

  • Actual vs. Billed Hours – Last 12 Months: Displays the actual hours entered compared to the hours that were billable. 

  • Billable Utilized Hours by Business Group – Last 12 Months: Displays the billable utilized hours by business group type. 

  • Effective Hourly Rate by Member – Last 12 Months: Displays each member and their effective hourly rate. 

  • Billable Utilized Hours by Ticket Board – Last 12 Months: Displays the billable utilized hours by ticket board type. 

  • Technician Utilization – Last 12 Months: Displays each member and their utilization percentage. 

  • Actual Utilized Hours by Work Type: Displays the actual utilized hours by work type. 

  • Hours Spent Per Client vs. Effective Rate – Last 12 Months: Displays each company and their effective hourly rate.


Invalid Dataset Error

Time Entry Extended for PSA Cloud uses the new 2.0 dataset to function. The new 2.0 dataset work independently. Today, these datasets cannot be combined with standard datasets for creating multi-layer gauges. If you attempt to create a multi-layer gauge using a 2.0 dataset and a standard dataset you will receive the following error screen. Refer to Common Dataset Errors for more information.



How do you access this feature?  Edit section

This feature is available to you if you are a PSA Cloud partner that uses BrightGauge and has the PSA Cloud integration in their BrightGauge instance.

What is the benefit of using the Time Entry Extended feature?  Edit section

When it comes to making good business decisions, getting all the right data and information is key. The Time Entry Extended dataset enables Historical Data (395 days) in BrightGauge dashboards provides annual reporting insights designed to help keep you informed. 

How does this integrate with existing product features?  

The 2.0 datasets work independently. They cannot be combined with existing datasets for creating multi-layer gauges. For more information, refer to the Invalid Dataset Error in the section above. 

Who do I contact if Time Entry Extended for PSA Cloud is not working?  

If you have questions or need help troubleshooting the Time Entry Extended for PSA Cloud, submit a case to support@brightgauge.com

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