Gauge Filters Explained


This article provides information on gauge filters. BrightGauge includes as much information as possible when pulling data from your datasources. You may need to filter data at the dashboard level, report level, or with individual gauges to only see the information pertinent to whoever you share a dashboard or report with. Filters allow you to see only the data you need.

Depending on the dataset and datasource, the most common filters applied are:

  • Date: show for previous day, week, month, a range, etc.
  • Board name
  • Client or Customer Name
  • Technician or Resource: member id, ticket owner, member name, resolved by, closed by, assigned to
  • Open or closed: closed flag, status, severity, urgency
  • Ticket type

To apply a gauge filter, open a gauge from a dashboard or select Gauges from the top menu bar.


Look at the dataset details on the top right. When unsure of what to filter for, the dataset details can show you a breakdown of the raw data behind each field. 



Date Filter

The Date filter enables you to filter data over specific time periods. To select a date, simply type the date into the date field using mm/dd/yyyy or mmddyyyy format. You are prompted to re-enter the date if it is not entered in the correct format. You may also use the calendar and the month and year menus to select a date. Dates between 01/01/1920 and 12/31/2120 are accepted.

The following table shows how the date picker displays the date based on your input.

Input Output Reason
134 01/01/2021
  • The first two digits (13) are greater than 12, so the first digit (1) is used as the month.
  • Because the first two digits are greater than 12, the date defaults to 01 and the current year is taken as the year.
5623 05/01/2021
  • The first two digits (56) are greater than 12, so the first digit (5) is used as the month.
  • Because the first two digits are greater than 12, the date defaults to 01 and the current year is taken as the year.
1245 12/04/2021
  • The first two digits (12) are taken as the month.
  • The third digit (4) is taken as the date.
  • The fourth digit (5) is skipped.
  • The current year is taken as the year.
0656 06/05/2021
  • The first two digits (06) are less than 12, so 06 is taken as the month.
  • The third digit (5) is taken as the date.
  • The fourth digit (6) is skipped.
  • The current year is taken as the year.
1225 12/25/2021
  • The first two digits (12) are taken as the month.
  • Because the next two digits (25) are less than 31, they are taken as the date.
  • The current year is taken as the year.
0605 06/05/2021
  • The first two digits (06) are taken as the month.
  • 05 is taken as the date.
  • The current year is taken as the year.
1 01/01/2021
  • 1 is taken as the month.
  • Because there are no other digits, 01 is taken as the date and the current year is taken as the year.
12 12/01/2021
  • 12 is taken as the month.
  • Because there are no other digits, 01 is taken as the date and the current year is taken as the year.
212321 02/01/2021
  • The first two digits (21) are greater than 12, so 02 is taken as the month.
  • Because the first two digits are greater than 12, the date defaults to 01 and the current year is taken as the year.
05242314 Error
  • 2314 is outside of the valid date range.


When using date filters in a gauge, please keep in mind the date range for the dataset being used. For example, if using a Lite dataset that only pulls in data for the last 14 days, a Previous Month filter will not be accurate.

Equal To

Looks for values with the date and time you set. You must set date AND time.

Not Equal To

Looks for values that do NOT match the date and time you set. You must set date AND time.


Looks for rows of data with a value in this field.

Is NULL Looks for rows of data without a value in this field.

Looks for values between the dates selected, (dates only, no time), not including the last date entered. So if the filter is set to "Between" 01/01/2015-01/03/2015, then January 3 is not included.

Last (n) Hours

Looks for values within the last set number of hours, including the current hour as hour 0. So if the current time is 6pm, when n=2, the filter will include values from 6pm, 5pm, and 4pm. If you do not want to include the current hour as "0", simply select the "Exclude Current Hour" option.

Last (n) Days Looks for values within the last set number of days, including today as day 0. So if the current day is January 6th, when n=2, the filter will include values from January 6th, 5th, and 4th. If you do not want to include the current day as "0", simply check off the "Exclude Current Day" option.
Last (n) Weeks Looks for values within the last set number of calendar weeks including the current week as 0. So if it's currently Thursday, when n=1, the filter will include Monday through Thursday of the current week, as well as Monday through Sunday of the previous calendar week. If you do not want to include the current week, simply check off the "Exclude Current Week" option.
Last (n) Months Looks for values within the last set number of calendar Months, including the current month as 0.  So if the current date is December 15, when n=2, the filter will include values from December, November, and October. If you do not want to include the current month as "0", simply check off the "Exclude Current Month" option.
Last (n) Quarters Looks for values within the last set number of calendar quarters, including the current quarter as 0. If you do not want to include the current quarter as "0", simply check off the "Exclude Current Quarter" option.
Last Weekday Pulls data for the last weekday.  So if the filter is run on Monday, it pulls back data from Friday.
Earlier Than (n) Days Ago Pulls back data where the date value is older than n days ago, so if today is December 15, 2015 and n=4, then it will show tickets starting on December 10, 2014.  Today is day 0, December 14 is 1, 13 is 2, 12, is 3, and 11 is 4.
Later Than Today Shows data for values after today (does not include today)
Later Than Shows data for values after midnight on a set date (includes that date)
Earlier Than Today Shows data for all values earlier than today (does not include today)
Earlier Than Shows data for all values earlier than a set date (includes that date)
Next (n) Days Shows data for a set number (n) of days later than today (does not include today)
Next (n) Months Shows data for a set number (n) of months starting with the current month as 1. So if today is September 15, 2016 and n=2, then this will include data for September and October.
Week To Date (Mon-Sun) Shows data for dates starting for the current week spanning Monday to the current day of the week.
Week To Date (Sun-Sat) Shows data for dates starting for the current week spanning Sunday to the current day of the week.
Weekdays Only Typically used in combination with another date field, this filter shows data only for weekdays and excludes weekends.
Month To Date Shows data for dates starting from the first of the Month to the current day
Quarter To Date Shows data for dates starting from the first of the Quarter to the current day
Current Week (Sun-Sat) Shows data for dates starting for the current week spanning Sunday to Saturday.  This can show dates in the future.
Current Week (Mon-Sun) Shows data for dates starting for the current week spanning Monday to Sunday.  This can show dates in the future.
Current Month Shows data for dates starting for the current calendar Month.  This can show dates in the future.
Current Quarter Shows data for dates starting for the current Quarter.  This can show dates in the future. (Please note that this refers to calendar quarters)
Previous Week (Sun-Sat) Shows data for dates starting for the previous week spanning Sunday to Saturday.
Previous Week (Mon-Sun) Shows data for dates starting for the previous week spanning Monday to Sunday.
Previous Month Shows data for dates starting for the previous calendar Month.
Previous Quarter Shows data for dates starting for the previous Quarter. 
Previous Year Shows data for dates starting for the previous Year. 
Year to Date Shows data for dates starting from the first of the current Year to the current day.
Current Year Shows data for dates starting for the current Year.  This can show dates in the future.
Today Shows data for values with a date the same as the current date.
Yesterday Shows data for values with a date the day before the current date.



Text filters have two options: standard and custom.

Standard: Allows you to click and select which text-based fields you'll like to select from.  This list by default shows the first 50 fields (alphabetically), but by searching you can see more.  Please note that if the value you're looking for is not currently in the dataset, then it will not show.  If you'd like to use a field not currently showing, then use the custom filters



Custom: Allows you to manually input values or use wildcards. Please note that all custom text-based filters are case-sensitive! Values must be typed in EXACTLY as they appear in the database. Below are the possible filter conditions that can be applied using the custom option.




Is Not NULL Looks for rows of data with a value in this field
Is One Of This filter selects rows when the field's value matches one value from the list. It must EXACTLY match a value in the list. The list is separated by pipes without spaces:

Is Not One Of This filter does not select rows when the field's value matches one value from the list. It must EXACTLY match a value in the list. The list is separated by pipes without spaces:

Is NULL Looks for rows of data without a value in this field. 
Is Like This value pulls in rows when the field's value matches the desired term.  This supports a wildcard (%) but NOT lists. If you filter for a board/queue called Service Desk, the following like filters would all work:

Service Desk


%ervice% <-- in case you had multiple boards with service in the word and/or different first letter capitalization
Is Not Like This value removes rows when the field's value matches the desired term. This supports a wildcard (%) but NOT lists.
Matches Regex This filter allows those familiar with the Regular Expression to use it to create filters.





Equal To This filter will pull in data that exactly matches the desired value
Not Equal To This filter will pull in data that does not exactly match the desired value.
Greater Than This filter will pull in any data greater than the desired value
Greater Than or Equal To This filter will pull in any data greater than the desired value or equal to the desired value
Is Not NULL Looks for rows of data with a value in this field. 
Less Than This filter will pull in any data lesser than the desired value
Less Than or Equal To This filter will pull in any data lesser than the desired value or equal to the desired value
Is One Of

This filters selects rows when the field's value matches one value from the list. It must EXACTLY match a value in the list. The list is separated by pipes without spaces:


is Not One Of This filters does not select rows when the field's value matches one value from the list.  It must EXACTLY match a value in the list.  The list is separated by pipes without spaces:

is NULL Looks for rows of data without a value in this field. 





Is True This shows data when the value in the field is True
Is False This shows data when the value in the field is False 
Is NULL Looks for rows of data without a value in this field. 


Matches Regex


This value pulls in rows when the field's value matches the desired term. You can input multiple terms separated by pipes without spaces. There are more advanced options available and we currently have it as a filter option for those familiar with the syntax. Something to note for those who are familiar, the "regex" conditions for our gauge filters only support PostreSQL regex functions. Furthermore, we currently use the "~" operator (which is case sensitive) hardcoded into the filter. 

Although, the feature is available in our gauge builder, we currently do not offer support for troubleshooting the RegEx syntax itself.

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1 comment

  • Just what I needed to figure out the % wild card on the custom text filter. FYI to all that %mac is different than %Mac, but %ac will get them both.
