
Dashboard filters enable you to narrow down the data relevant to your team members, statuses, boards, clients, and any other grouping of information you may want to view.

Quick tips

  • Only Admin and Analyst users have access to create, edit, and delete filters. Viewer users may toggle filters on and off. Refer to Dashboard Filtering for Viewer Users for more information.
  • Set filters. Any dashboard filters left toggled on or off will be preserved the next time you view that dashboard. In the case of viewer filters, these will revert back to how the admin has them set.
  • With multiple dashboard filters applied at once, you'll only be able to view the overlapping data (i.e., if you have two separate technician filters toggled on, you may only see those tickets they've both submitted work for).  
  • When cloning a dashboard, your filters will also carry over.
  • Data exported as a .CSV shows the filtered down data.
  • Drilldown data will reflect the parameters set by your filters.

Create a Filter

To create a filter:

  1. From a dashboard, click Add A Filter.


  2. Name your filter. This may be a date range, team name, client name, etc.
  3. The Add Filter modal displays the datasets that power the gauges on the dashboard. Each gauge is part of one of these subsets of data. Review the datasets and the fields they contain. If you wish to apply a filter across the board, you must select the right field from each dataset. 
  4. Select fields to filter by. The best practice is to select one field per dataset, ensuring that they all overlap in the common data you'd like to show (name, date, numerical, true or false). Click Expand All to expand the accordions and view all filters.


  5. Select the value to filter the data by. This may be a team member's initials, client name, date, numerical value, etc. Just like with gauge filters, you may choose to include or exclude the results by selecting "Is" or "Is Not". 

    Note: Multiple fields can be added here. For example, if you wanted to create a Team dashboard, you would enter all of the member IDs for the technicians that make up the team.

  6. Click Save Changes. After the filter is created, it displays across the gauges included in the selected datasets. All affected gauges will have a green indicator on the top right corner signifying that the gauges are now filtered. 

Exclude Gauges from Being Filtered

Just like with reports, you can choose to exclude gauges from the filtered results by clicking the mini funnel in the top right of the gauge you wish to exclude.


If you have any questions, please contact Support by selecting Help > Open a Ticket from the top menu bar.

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1 comment

  • Hi there! Is there a feature coming for dashboard filters to be able to deselect certain gauges? I am working on several client dashboards where one gauge in particular is being affected by the dashboard filter in a way I don't want it to be. Thanks for all that you guys do.
