Step 1 - Log in to your BrightGauge Account
If you have not created an account yet, go here to get started. If you are logged in with a New Account, click on the "Add a Datasource" button:
If you are logged in with an Existing Account, click on the "Data" menu on the the top righthand corner of the screen and select "Datasources" from the drop down menu:
From either a new or an existing account, click on “Add a New Datasource” and then click on the icon for the datasource you wish to connect.
Step 2 - Create a resource (or user) within Autotask
**New Requirements for Autotask PSA Web services API Version 1.6**
As of August 2019, our integration will require a dedicated resource (or user) within Autotask in order to function with the version 1.6 update mentioned above. Instructions on how to create a new resource within Autotask can be found here: Autotask PSA | Add, edit, or copy a resource.
When adding a new API user:
- Click +New.
- Select New API User.
- Fill out the required fields on the ADD API USER screen, paying special attention to sections A. & B. highlighted below:
A. Security Level
B. API Tracking Identifier
Ensure that the "API User (system) (API-only)" option is selected. This security level provides full system administration access to PSA modules, features, and the data available via Autotask's Web Services API. It does all of this while limiting access to the Autotask UI itself.
In this section, there is a field titled "Integration Vendor". Ensure that the "BrightGauge Software - BrightGauge" option is selected. - Click Save & Close.
Step 3 - Configure the Datasource
Fill out the form with the following fields:
- Name: Choose a name for your datasource. For example, Autotask PSA.
- Autotask Username and Autotask Password: Enter the username and password for an Autotask user created in the previous step.
- Deep Linking (optional): If you would like to utilize deep linking, input your Autotask URL. For more information on deep linking, check out the information provided here.
Step 4 - Test Connection
After filling out all of the fields, test the connection to the datasource by clicking Test Connection. If successful, you will see a green banner stating the test succeeded. Save the datasource by clicking Save.
Please note, a common issue we have seen clients experience is with the "AutoFill" feature in web browsers inputting the wrong credentials for the username field. When a test connection is successful, the page is refreshed and the autofill takes effect automatically without the user realizing. The user then selects save, accidentally saving the autofilled credentials which are incorrect. A way to prevent this issue is to open a private browsing window (or incognito window) to fill out the datasource configuration page, or simply retyping the credentials after the test connection and clicking "Save".
Dashboards, reports, datasets, and gauges will be added to your account after the datasource is saved. They will start syncing immediately and typically complete syncing after 20-30 minutes. The following list is based on our v2 of Autotask. You may find more info here:
Your Default Dashboards
- BGS - Projects Overview
- BGS - Sales
- BGS - Sales Leaderboard
- BGS - Sales Reps
- BGS - Service Desk Leaderboard
- BGS - Service Ticket KPIs
- Client Dashboard Template
- Resource Scorecard
- Tech Dashboard
Your Default Reports
- AutoTask Executive Summary Report
- BGS - Sales Daily Wrap Up
- BGS - Sales Leaderboard
- BGS - Service Desk Leaderboard
- Daily Member Scorecard
- Service Calls
- Weekly Member Scorecard
- Weekly Project Work Summary
For a list of all default gauges, please visit the "Gauges" section of your account, sort by the Datasource you'd like to see and select for Default.
If you have any questions, please contact Support by selecting Help > Open a Ticket from the top menu bar.
- Configuration Data - View the asset information of your installed products.
- Ticket Statistics Last 14 Days - All open tickets and all closed tickets with an update in the last 14 days.
- Ticket Statistics Last 210 Days - Ticket information updated in the last 210 days.
- Account Notes
- Invoice Data - Invoices created in the last 2 years from Autotask.
- Survey Results
- Contract Service Bundle Units - Contract service bundles with period start date in the last 2 years.
- Time Entry Last 14 Days - Time entries modified in the last 14 days.
- Opportunity Data - Opportunities from the Autotask CRM module.
- Time Entry - Time entries modified in the last 210 days.
- Contract Block - Contract information for block type contracts in Autotask.
- Task Data - Lists details for all tasks updated in the last 120 days.
- Contract data - Listing of contracts within Autotask.
- Project Data - Lists project details from Autotask.
- Contract Service Units - Contract services with period start date in the last 2 years.
- Contact Data - Contact information (active and inactive) from Autotask.
- Accounts Info - Basic listing of all accounts in Autotask.
- Project Phases
- Service Call Tickets
- Member Data - Lists all active users from Autotask. Ideal for dataset mashups.
- SLA Results