Connecting to ConnectWise PSA Cloud


This article describes how to add cloud-hosted ConnectWise PSA™ (Manage) as a datasource in BrightGauge™, a ConnectWise solution. Before you connect to the ConnectWise PSA Cloud data source in BrightGauge, you must create an API member with a dedicated security role in PSA (Manage).

Create a Security Role in PSA

Security roles enable you to define permissions and access for your PSA members. The PSA integration requires an API member with a dedicated security role to ensure proper access to your data. Please be sure to create the security role and the API member from the PSA desktop application. See details for PSA security modules and their actions at the Security Modules documentation.

To create a security role in PSA:

  1. Navigate to SystemSecurity Roles.


  2. Click the New Item icon.
  3. Enter a Role ID to help you easily identify the new role. For example, BrightGaugeAPI.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Assign the Inquire LevelAll permission for the following actions. Leave the Add, Edit, and Delete levels set to None.

    Note: As the integration is developed, new permissions will be added that are not currently listed here. If you encounter an issue with the integration, please refer back to this table to ensure that all necessary permissions are enabled.

    Module Action
    Companies Company Maintenance
    CRM/Sales Activities
    Team Members
    Finance Accounting Interface
    Agreement Invoicing
    Billing Rate Maintenance
    Billing View Time
    Company Finance
    Procurement Inventory Adjustments
    Inventory Transfers
    Product Catalog
    Product Billable Option
    Product Catalog
    Purchase Orders
    Project Close Projects
    Project Contacts
    Project Finance
    Project Headers
    Project Management
    Project Phase
    Project Product
    Project Scheduling
    Project Teams
    Project Tickets
    Sales Closed Opportunity
    Opportunity Finance
    Sales Order Finance
    Sales Orders
    Service Desk Close Service Tickets
    Merge Tickets
    Resource Scheduling
    Service Ticket - Finance
    Service Tickets
    System API Reports
    Member Maintenance
    Member Maintenance - Finance
    My Company
    System Reports
    Table Setup
    Today Links
    Time & Expense Expense Billable Option
    Expense Report Entry
    Time Entry
    Time Entry Billable Option
  6. Click Save.

After you create the security role, you can proceed to create the API member.

Create an API Member in PSA

To create the API member in PSA:

  1. Navigate to SystemMembers.


  2. Select the API Members tab.


  3. Click on the New Item icon.


  4. Enter a Member ID and a Member Name. For example, BrightGaugeAPI.


  5. Select the new security role from the Role ID menu. Please note that the Admin role is not recommended for the integration.


  6. Ensure the Level field is set to Corporate. This is to ensure that you do not restrict the service boards you see.
  7. Click Save after all fields have been completed.
  8. Click the API Keys tab.


  9. Click on the New Item icon.
  10. Enter a Description for the key. For example, BrightGauge API.
  11. Click on the Save icon. The keys are displayed after the item is saved. Be sure to save both keys now in a separate, safe location, as you may only view the Private Key at the time it is created.


Log in to your BrightGauge Account

If you have not yet created an account, go here to get started.


New Accounts

On first login, from the Account Overview page, click on the Add a Datasource button. Proceed to enter the API credentials.

Existing Accounts

To add the datasource:

  1. Click on the Data menu and select Datasources.


  2. Locate the ConnectWise PSA Cloud datasource under either All or PSA. The Edit ConnectWise PSA API screen opens.


Enter the Credentials

From the datasource connection screen, enter the following information:

  • Name: A name for your integration. For example, ConnectWise PSA Cloud.
  • Site: The region in which your ConnectWise PSA instance is hosted. It's most notable by the URL you use to login to PSA.
  • Company ID: Your ConnectWise PSA company name.
  • Public Key: The public API key you generated in PSA.
  • Private Key: The private API key you generated in PSA.
  • Your Locale: Your country or region for ConnectWise. It will allow for deep linking.

Test the Connection

After you complete all fields, make sure to test the connection. If successful, save the connection.

Please note that the AutoFill feature in your web browser may attempt to input the wrong credentials for the database user field. After a successful test connection, the page is refreshed and the AutoFill takes effect automatically. The user then selects save, accidentally saving the auto-filled credentials, which are incorrect. To prevent this issue, open a private (or incognito) browsing window to complete the datasource configuration page. Or, simply retype the credentials after the test connection and click Save.

After you save the connection, the datasets and gauges are added to your account and begin syncing immediately. Dashboards, reports, datasets, and gauges are added to your account after the datasource is saved. The initial sync usually takes 20-30 minutes to complete. 

FAQ: Dispatch Portal

If your newly-created BrightGauge user is showing up in the dispatch portal, then there's an easy option to stop that. In the panel where you first created the user, there's a section for scheduling. Make sure to select the Do not display this member on the Dispatch Portal checkbox for the API.

Default Dashboards

  • Agreement KPIs
  • BGS - Procurement
  • BGS - Projects
  • BGS - SLA
  • BGS - Service Board
  • BGS - Service Desk Leaders
  • BGS Sales Board
  • Client Dashboard Template
  • In/Out Board
  • Member Efficiency
  • Tech Dashboard
  • SEPG - Dashboard and Components

Default Reports

  • Agreement Monthly Review
  • BGS - Monthly Project Wrapup
  • BGS - Service Desk Leaders
  • BGS - Weekly Project Report
  • CW Hosted Executive Summary Report
  • Member Efficiency - Current Week
  • Member Efficiency - Today

Default Datasets

  • Activity Data: Data for Activities updated in the last 120 days
  • Agreement Addition List: Data for additions for agreements
  • Agreement Data: This dataset is a listing of all agreements in PSA with an end date in the last 365 days or no end date entered. Cancelled agreements are also not included
  • Agreement Data Monthly Last 3 Months: This dataset looks at agreement invoices, hours against the agreement, and addition costs by month to give you statistics on how the agreement is performing. The data is for the last 3 months only
  • Agreement Recap:  Displays the number of dollars, hours, or incidents that are used, remaining, overrun, or available on the agreement for the current period that is selected in the Available Per field of the Application Parameters Pod. These are system-updated fields. The number, hours, or incidents used show in the recap as soon as the technician enters time into PSA. This information only displays for active agreements
  • Agreements with Additions and End Date: Retrieves agreement data for the last 180 days and displays the full list of agreement additions. Also displays the end date for agreements taking into account cancel and end. Also displays cancel dates for Agreement additions. This can provide accurate MRR for your agreements that are active or have been cancelled in the last 6 months
  • Assigned Resources Last 120 Days: Data for schedules on tickets. This allows you to see individual technicians scheduled for tickets. This is only for schedules updated in the last 120 days
  • Assigned Resources Last 14 Days: This dataset pulls in scheduling information only for schedules on tickets updated in the last 14 days or that are open
  • Company Data: This dataset pulls in data for companies setup within PSA. This gives 1 line per company and has information contained within their company setup. This pulls in all, non-deleted companies
  • Configurations with Agreement Data: Retrieves configuration data for all configs that are active or last updated in the last 210 days. This attaches the default company agreement to help determine your number of supported devices under agreement. Using the last update field, combined with a closed status, we can determine endpoints that have recently been removed from the supported devices list
  • Configuration Data: Data for Configurations entered in PSA.
  • Configuration Questions and Answers: This dataset allows for one to see the questions and answers associated with Configurations. This means a single configuration will show multiple times if it has many questions. This dataset only shows active configurations with questions
  • Configuration Ticket Statistics Last 240 Days: This dataset is a clone of ticket statistics to show information on attached configuration. A single ticket will show 3 times if there are 3 configs. This is only for tickets updated in the last 240 days
  • Contacts with Agreements: Retrieves all contacts that are active or have been inactivated in the last 210 days. Ties these contacts to the company default agreement so data can be displayed to show the number of supported users under your support contracts or number of users who have recently been removed as supported users as the agreement end dates are pulled in as well
  • Contact Data: This data shows you contact information for contacts in PSA. This dataset can be used in dataset mashups to see data for those without information (an advanced feature)
  • Invoice Data: Invoice data updated in the last two years.
  • Inventory Data: Contains inventory information for products having inventory greater than 0 or inventory updated in the last 395 days for all warehouse bins.
  • Inventory Items Data: Provides detailed information about your product inventory and inventory items.
  • Member Data: This is a dataset to look at data for your current users setup in PSA.
  • Opportunity Data: Data for Opportunities updated in the last 365 days
  • Products: ConnectWise products purchased within the last 2 years
  • Project Phase and Tickets: Data for the individual phases of a project and any associated tickets. This pulls in data for all open projects (no actual end date has been set) or for phases updated in the last 240 days
  • Project Statistics: A wholesale look at projects open or updated in the last 240 days
  • Purchase Orders: Purchase orders updated in the last 365 days or currently open
  • Sales Orders: Sales Order information for orders updated in the last 365 days
  • Service Boards: Service board data as they appear in your PSA instance. This dataset also allows you to see the scheduled on-call technician associated with each service board
  • Survey Responses: Data for surveys received in the last 120 days
  • Ticket SLA Data Live: Data for SLA data for live tickets. NO closed or resolved tickets in this dataset. The time to goal fields in this dataset are only applicable before they hit the associated SLA level (response, resolution plan, resolution)
  • Ticket Statistics Last 240 Days: Data for tickets updated in the last 240 days. This is meant for longer, trending data
  • Tickets Stats Last 14 Days: Data for tickets updated in the last 14 days or not closed. This is a fast syncing dataset meant for dashboards
  • Time Entry Last 120 Days: Data for time entries from the last 120 days
  • Time Entry Extended: This dataset is to see time entries created within the last 395 days

For a list of all default gauges, please visit the Gauges section of your account, sort by the Datasource you'd like to see, and select for Default.

If you have any questions, please contact Support by selecting Help > Open a Ticket from the top menu bar.

Custom Fields

In BrightGauge, you can utilize the custom fields available in ConnectWise PSA. Please contact BrightGauge Support for any custom field requests. Please create a case in ConnectWise Home or chat with a representative, referencing Add Custom Fields to BrightGauge. For more information on how to create custom fields in PSA, please refer to the Custom Fields Setup Table documentation.

Custom Field Locations in PSA

When you utilize the integration between ConnectWise PSA Cloud and BrightGauge custom fields in the following locations can be added to BrightGauge:

  • Companies - Data for Company setup within PSA. This gives one line per company and has information contained within their company setup. This pulls in all, non-deleted companies.
  • Catalog Items - Data for the Product Catalog in PSA.
  • Configurations - Data for Configurations in PSA.
  • Opportunity - Data for Opportunities updated in the last 365 days.
  • Agreements - Data for Agreements entered in PSA. 
  • Products - Data for Products in PSA.
  • Expenses - Data for Expenses in PSA.
  • Projects - Data for Projects in PSA.
  • Purchase Orders - Data for Purchase Orders in PSA.
  • Service Tickets - Data for Service Tickets in PSA.
  • Contacts - Data for Contacts in PSA.
  • Invoices - Data for Invoices in PSA.
  • Sales Orders - Data for Sales Orders in PSA.
  • Time Entry - Data for Time Entry in PSA.

Note: Custom fields on any other screen cannot be added to BrightGauge.

After the ticket is submitted and the request is completed, your custom field data is available to use for analytics and to build gauges that you can add to a dashboard.

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