The steps below will also guide you through setting up the dashboards for each technician.
1. Creating the Filter
The first step is to create the filter for the dashboard. Filters are specific for each dashboard, but are copied over when you clone the dashboard, so this tutorial will have you create the filter first and then you can copy it over when cloning the dashboard later.
Step 1 -Select the "Add A Filter" button on the top right hand corner of the screen.
Step 2 - You'll see a modal appear in the middle of the page to create the filter. Follow these steps for each team member filter:
A. Name - This box is where you set the name for the filter. This is not the filter itself though, just something you'll refer back to later. For our case, naming it after the tech would work perfectly.
B. Fields - This is where you select the specific fields you'll filter for. You can search for the field name in the box above. You can also select multiple fields, just be careful that they're the same field (if using different datasets).
Note: The field you are filtering for will vary depending on the datasource you connected with BrightGauge. You can check the list of filter per integration in the Section 6. Filtering by Datasource
C. Value - This is the actual filter. This is where you'll want to put in the member_Id or technician's name depending on your datasource.
Step 3 - Click on the "Save changes" button. Once created, the filter can be used. More on that in 3. Applying the Filter, below.
2. Cloning the Dashboard
Step 1 - Click on the "More" button with a gear icon on the top right of the dashboard and select "Clone Dashboard." Make sure that your newly created filter is on.
Step 2 - A modal will now popup asking you to name the new dashboard. Name the dashboard using the name of the company or team member that you'll assign this dashboard to.
Step 3 - The dashboard will be cloned and will immediately send you to the assigning User's drawer. Hold off on this until part 5.
3. Applying the Filter
Step 1 - Click on "Add A Filter" on the top right.
Step 2 - Click on the name of the filter of which you set in part 1, in our case it says Steve's Tech Dashboard.
Step 6 - Once the filter has turned on, all affected gauges will have a green funnel icon to the top right signifying that the gauges are now filtered.
You may choose to exclude gauges from your filtering simply by clicking at the green icon in the top right corner of every gauge. More information about excluding filters from some of your dashboard gauges is available here.
4. Creating a Viewer
Unless you have access to public dashboards with your subscription, a BrightGauge login is required to view a dashboard. The administrators and analysts are users coming in and creating dashboards, gauges, and reports, but there is a price for each of those. If the person that is designated for this dashboard is not yet a user and will not be coming into BrightGauge to edit or create information, then you can create them as a viewer. Follow the steps below to create them as a viewer. If the person is already an admin or viewer then skip to part 5.Step 1 - Select the circle with your initials (or your picture if you've created a Gravatar) on the top righthand corner of the window and then select "Viewers" from the dropdown menu.
Step 2 - Once on the "Viewers" page, click "Invite Viewer" from the top right side of the page.
Step 3 - Once on the "Invite A Viewer" page, please fill out the corresponding text boxes with the users First Name, Last Name, and Email Address, along with a desired message to be included in the invitation email to the user. Then select the dashboards the viewer will have access to. Once all fields have been completed correctly, select the blue "Send Invitation" button towards the bottom of the page.
Step 4 - The user will receive an email invitation with a username, temporary password and sign-in domain. Upon first signing in, the user will be prompted to create his/her own password.
Step 5 - Once the "Viewer" has been created, he/she will be able to receive sent reports and view the dashboards that were shared with them.
5. Assigning the Dashboard
You're finally ready to share the dashboard, please follow these steps:Step 1 - Click on the "More" button with a gear icon on the top right of the dashboard and select "Dashboard Users."
Step 2 - A modal will appear in the center of the screen with a list of all users currently on the account. Scroll though the list (or use the search bar at the to of the modal) to find the desired user(s).
(1) Use the check boxes to select the desired users to share the dashboard.
(2) Once all selected users have been selected, click on the blue "Apply" button on the bottom center of the modal.
Step 3 - Once a dashboard is shared with a user, it will then appear in the users Dashboard menu when they log in to their account.
You've created your first technician dashboard. If you want to create multiple tech dashboards, simply repeat the process starting at Part 1 - Creating the filter.
6. Filtering by Datasource
Find your integration below for assistance in finding which field(s) to use for appropriate filtering using this dashboard.
ConnectWise On-Premise
To create the filter for ConnectWise On-Premise, you'll want to select the following fields:
- *Ticket Stats Lite / resolved_by
- *Assigned Resources Lite / member_id
- *Time Entry Lite / member_id
When typing in the value here, make sure to use the technician's member ID, but please do so in all lowercases. Due to an issue with the CW database, we have decided to force all lowercase in member ID related fields.
ConnectWise Cloud
To create the filter for ConnectWise Cloud, you'll want to select the following fields:
- Ticket Stats Lite / resolved_by
- Assigned Resources / member_id
- Time Entry / member_id
When typing in the value here, make sure to use the technician's member ID, but please note that it is case sensitive.
To create the filter for AutoTask, you'll want to select the following fields:
- *Ticket Stats Lite / resource_name
- Time Entry / resource_name
When typing in the value here, make sure to use the technician's member ID, but please note that it is case sensitive.
To create the filter for TigerPaw, you'll want to select the following fields:
- Ticket Statistics / Primary_rep
- Time Entry / Tech
When typing in the value here, make sure to use the technician's full name, but please note that it is case sensitive.
To create the filter for ZenDesk, you'll want to select the following fields:
- Ticket Statistics / Assignee_name
When typing in the value here, make sure to use the technician's full name, but please note that it is case sensitive.
Kaseya BMS (Vorex)
To create the filter for Kaseya BMS, you'll want to select the following fields:
- Ticket Stats Lite / Primary Assignee
- Time Entry / Tech
When typing in the value here, make sure to use the technician's full name, but please note that it is case sensitive.
To create the filter for Freshdesk, you'll want to select the following fields:
- Ticket Statistics / Agent
- Time Entry / Agent
- Survey Responses / Agent
When typing in the value here, make sure to use the technician's full name, but please note that it is case sensitive.
To create the filter for SmileBack, you'll want to select the following fields:
- Reactions Resource / Resource
When typing in the value here, make sure to use the technician's id, but please note that it is case sensitive.
To create the filter for Harvest, you'll want to select the following fields:
- Time Entry / User_name
When typing in the value here, make sure to use the technician's full name as entered in Harvest, but please note that it is case sensitive.
Crew Hu
To create the filter for CrewHu, you'll want to select the following fields:
- Survey Employee Data / Employee
When typing in the value here, make sure to use the technician's full name as entered in CrewHu, but please note that it is case sensitive.