Agreement Recap is available as a default dataset in BrightGauge™. You can use this dataset in a gauge or view the pre-made Agreement Recap dashboard. Use the Agreement Recap dashboard to review if agreements are set up by the contracts your team has with clients, and review what billing and allocation parameters are set for agreements in ConnectWise PSA™ (Manage). This information only displays for active agreements in ConnectWise PSA Cloud.
The following gauges are available on the Agreement Recap dashboard:
- Top 25 Next Invoice Amount Total by Company
- Total Unbilled Periods by Company and Agreement
- Agreement Recaps by Company
- Agreement Recap List
Note: This feature is only available for users already integrated with ConnectWise PSA Cloud. Refer to Connect to ConnectWise PSA Cloud for more information. If you do not see Agreement Recap as a default dataset in BrightGauge, please create a case in ConnectWise Home or chat.
Agreement Recap Pod
Details from the Agreement Recap pod in ConnectWise PSA are available in the Agreement Recap dashboard.
Field Descriptions
Field | Description |
Agreement Status | Displays the agreement status. This status is affected by the agreement Start Date. A Start Date of today's date or a date in the past displays as Active. |
Agreement Covers List | Displays all items covered by the agreement. This can include expenses, time, products, and service tickets. |
Agreement Covers Time | Displays time covered by the agreement. When any time entry is entered into the system and an agreement is selected on the time entry, the time entry is immediately applied against the agreement. As updates are made to the time entry, the allocation is rechecked, particularly if the time entry was not fully applied. For more information refer to the Application Parameters pod. |
Agreement Covers Product | Displays the items covered by the agreement. A product entry is applied against the agreement at the time of invoice creation. |
Agreement Covers Expenses | Displays the expenses covered by the agreement. An expense entry is applied against the agreement at the time of invoice creation. |
Starting | Displays the amount in the units selected (dollars, hours, or incidents) that was set in the Application Units field of the Application Parameters pod. If Unlimited is selected in the Application Limit field, then the Starting amount will be listed as 0.00. |
Adjustments | Displays the sum of all the adjustments added to the Agreement Adjustment tab. If you make a negative adjustment, it will be subtracted from the Starting amount. If you make a positive adjustment, it will be added to the Starting amount. |
Used | Displays the number of units used against the agreement. If Application Units are set to hours or amount, the Used amount will be updated when the time entry that is charged to that agreement is saved. If Application Units are set to Incident, the Used amount will be updated when the agreement is added to a ticket. The Used amount is displayed as a negative number. |
Remaining | Displays the sum of the Starting, Adjustments, and Used fields. This is the amount of the Application Units that have not yet been used. This number will be negative if the agreement allows overruns and there is an overrun. |
Overrun | Displays the overrun amount that is charged to the agreement. If you do not allow overruns, this field always displays as zero. If you allow overruns, the maximum amount that the agreement can be overrun is displayed. |
Available | Displays the number of units available to be used on the agreement, including the overrun amount. |
Available Per | Displays the number of dollars, hours, or incidents that are used, remaining, overrun, or available on the agreement for the current period that is selected in the Available Per field of the Application Parameters pod. |
Application Carryover Expires Days | Displays the number of days past the expiration date you allow the carryover to be used. |
Application Carryover Allowed | Indicates the number of days past the expiration date you will allow the carryover to be used. This setting enables any unused amount, hours, or incidents to carry over to the next application period. |
Application Overruns Allowed | This setting enables the customer to use hours from a future month, not to exceed the specified percentage. If the check box is not selected, overruns will not be allowed. |
Application Overrun Limit | If you allow overruns, the maximum amount that the agreement can be overrun is displayed. If you do not allow overruns, this field will always display as zero. |
Last Invoice Date | Displays the date of the last agreement invoice created for this agreement. |
Last Invoice Number | Displays the invoice number of the last agreement invoice created for this agreement. |
Last Invoice Amount | Displays the amount of the last agreement invoice credited for this agreement. |
Next Invoice Date |
Displays the next invoice date. It will be the first day of the next period that is due for invoicing.
Note: If you create a new agreement and invoice it, the next date will not display after the invoice is created. It will appear the day after the agreement batch job has run on the server.
Note: If a miscellaneous invoice is applied to an agreement, it updates the agreement's Last Invoice Date to the miscellaneous agreement's Invoice Date. Be aware that some managed services integrations use the Last Invoice Date to determine whether they should update the additions on an agreement. |
Next Invoice Amount |
Displays the next invoice amount. This is the amount of billing on the invoice pre-tax. The tax will not be applied until the invoice is created.
Note: If you create a new agreement and invoice it, the next date will not display after the invoice is created. It will appear the day after the agreement batch job has run on the server.
Unbilled Periods | Displays the number of unbilled periods for this agreement. |
Unbilled Overage |
Displays the amount of unbilled overage for this agreement. If the agreement is unlimited, it will not show unbilled overage. If there is a limit on the agreement, Unbilled Overage will show any time entries that should be billed, including time from excluded work roles or work types and overrun hours. Unbilled Overage does not include the overrun amount. If an agreement with an overrun amount is canceled or expires and there is a current overrun, this will not cause the overrun amount to be billed. To bill the overrun, deselect Allow overruns in the Application Parameters Pod. Navigate to the Time Tab, select all time entries, and click Update Rates/Allocations. This will release the overrun so that it can be invoiced. |
Agreement Recap Dashboard
The Agreement Recap dataset pulls data from the Agreement Recap pod in ConnectWise PSA and can be found as a default dataset. Default Agreement Recap gauges can be edited. Refer to Gauges to learn more about filtering and editing available gauges on the dashboard. To navigate to the Agreement Recap dashboard, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Dashboards.
- Search for Agreement Recap in the search bar.
- The default Agreement Recap dashboard displays.