Disk Space Utilization Summary


The Disk Space Utilization Summary feature set allows you to view summarized details about the partition space utilized across all your machines. The default gauges provide visibility into the partition space used across your servers and workstations, as well as the drives monitored by your RMM agent. 

Note: This feature is available to partners in the NA and EU regions.

Default Dataset

The Disk Space Utilization Summary dataset contains summarized details for partition space utilization per drive/volume of all the machines. Details of each machine are recorded for each day for the last four months. Data is collected every 24 hours from the source, but only the latest data for each day is considered and synchronized into the BrightGauge dataset.

Field Descriptions

Field Name Description


System field. This is used for internal data organization in BrightGauge. 

Calendar Date 

The date on which a specific data record was added to BrightGauge. Datasets in which either calendar_date or report_date or date_as_on is present indicate that the dataset contains records as of the respective record/calendar/date-as on the date. This can be used as a filter to view historical data. 


The month in which a specific data record was added to BrightGauge. (Example: If the record pertains to a date in January, then the month field would contain the value as 1.) This field is used for internal data organization. 


The year in which a specific data record was added to BrightGauge. (Example: If the record pertains to a date in January 2019, then the year field would contain the value as 2019.) This field is used for internal data organization. 

Endpoint ID 

This is the Endpoint ID for the managed device. 

System Name 

The name of the device in the Asio platform. Refers to the Name column on the Asio platform> Devices > Computers page. 

Site Name 

The name of the site in the Asio platform. Refers to the Name column in the Asio platform > RMM Setup > Sites using RMM, and also Site Name present in the devices page of the Asio platform. 

Site Code 

The unique code of the site in Asio platform. Refers to the Site Code column in the Asio platform > RMM Setup > Sites using RMM. 

Site ID 

The unique ID of the site in the Asio platform. Refers to the SiteId column in the Asio platform > RMM Setup > Sites using RMM. 

Friendly Name 

The friendly name of the device in the Asio™ platform. Refers to the Friendly Name column on the Asio platform > Devices > Computers page. 

OS Product 

Lists the OS installed on the device. Refers to the OS column on the Asio platform > Devices > Computers page. 


All IP addresses found for the machine, listed as comma-separated values. 

Last Logon Username 

The last logged in user per endpoint.

Last Agent Check UTC 

The date and time on which the device last checked in (reported data) as per Asio agent. 

Note: This may be different from the date when the machine was last seen online. 

Disk Name 

The name of the disk on the endpoint. 

Partition Name 

The partition name found on the endpoint for data collection. 

Partition Free Space Bytes 

The free space for partition available per disk. 

Partition Total Space Bytes 

The total space for partition available per disk. 

Partition Used Space Bytes 

The used space for partition available per disk. 


Default Gauges

Tip: For information on formatting gauges, see the Gauge Builder documentation.

Name Description

RMM Disk Space Usage 

This gauge shows the disk space usage for all the drives/volumes identified by the monitoring agent on the endpoints. 

RMM Partition Space Usage 

This gauge shows the partition space usage for all the disks identified by the monitoring agent on the endpoints. 

Servers by Partition Used % 

This gauge displays the partition space usage for all monitored server endpoints, grouped by the amount of partition space used. 

Workstations by Partition Used % 

This gauge displays the partition space usage for all monitored workstation endpoints, grouped by the amount of partition space used. 

RMM Disk Space Usage.png

RMM Partition Space Usage.png

Servers by Partition Used %.png

Workstations by Partition Used %.png



How do you access this feature?  

If you are a Command or ConnectWise RMM partner that uses BrightGauge and has a Command or ConnectWise RMM integration with BrightGauge, you have access to the Disk Space Utilization Summary feature set. 

What is the benefit of the Disk Space Utilization Summary?  

The Disk Space Utilization Summary provides you with details about the partition space utilization per drive/volume of all the machines. This enables you to look at your disk utilization data and make informed business decisions in advance. 

How does this integrate with existing product features?  

The disk space feature set works alongside the existing product features. 

Who do I contact if this dataset is not working?  

If you have questions or need help troubleshooting the Disk Space Utilization Summary, please contact Support

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