Linked Filters in Gauge Builder

Time saver alert! With linked filters, you may edit and apply the same filter across multiple gauges on the same dataset. 

Steps to create one filter for multiple gauges

After creating your gauge filter and saving the gauge, you may convert any filter into a “Linked Filter” by clicking on the grey plus icon located on the left side of the filter.  


You’ll then be prompted to give the linked filter a name and decide which gauges you want it to apply to. We recommend naming this based on what you're including or excluding.

All the gauges pulling data from the same dataset will appear as an option. You may use the search field to filter for specific gauges (1), or search by specific Gauge Type, Folder, User or Last Modified Date (2).


Note: On multi-layer gauges, you may decide which layers you want the filter to apply to.

Once you press create, the linked filter will be applied to all the gauges selected. Your filter will also change from green to blue for easy identification.


Editing & Adding Linked Filters

You may edit any linked filter by selecting the tool symbol to the left, or by picking a filter from the dropdown under the green "+" under the Filters section.



To add a linked filter, click the green "+" sign in the Filters section, and select from your pre-built linked filters.  



Important rules:

  • Any updates to a gauge must be saved prior to adding a Linked Filter.
  • You must save a gauge prior to seeing any changes applied across gauges on the same linked filter.
  • You may add or remove a Linked Filter from a gauge without it affecting the other gauges on the same Linked Filter.
  • If you delete a Linked Filter from the edit modal, this will remove the filter from all gauges where it's applied. 
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