Switching User Account Roles

Changing a Viewer to an Admin/Analyst or Admin to Viewer is common and there are a few key issues that can arise when making the change.
To upgrade a user from a viewer to an Admin or Analyst you can simply invite a new user to the account and use the same e-mail address tied to the viewer user. This will upgrade the viewers account to an Admin with no additional steps necessary.
When changing an Admin or Analyst user to a Viewer the key change will be that you will need to delete the user's account and then re-invite them under the desired user role. The data is NOT tied to users, so no need to worry about losing gauges, reports or dashboards. 

If your account currently only has 1 admin license and you are looking to make a change, you will not be able to delete the current administrator and invite a new one. In this case, our support team can assist by granting a temporary admin license to allow you to adjust.
In short, to change an Admin user to a Viewer user you will:
  • Find the user within BrightGauge.
  • Delete the user's account (no data will be lost.)
  • Re-invite under the desired user permission.
  • Apply the relevant dashboard permissions, goal assignments and report schedules for the new user.
Please feel free to refer to our User Accounts: Viewers, Analysts, and Admins doc for a more in-depth look at the User Roles.
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