101 - Client Dashboards

You can share just about anything in BrightGauge with your clients without having to worry about them seeing the entirety of your account. This article details how to set up dashboards for clients.

Setting Permissions - Viewers

Before sharing dashboards and reports, you’ll need to create a Viewer user for each customer you’d like to share with. For more information on creating and managing Viewers, visit here

Creating Client Dashboards

Create and share dashboards with customers for them to put on display on their office or check-in on the status of their different networks and machines. This section shows you how to create one dashboard and filter to share with multiple customers. 
Follow these quick steps to create client dashboards:
Step 1 — Create a Viewer account for each customer email you’d like to have access to a dashboard.
Step 2 — Create a dashboard with the gauges you’d like for each customer to view. For more information on how to create dashboards, read this article
Step 3 — Add a filter
  • Name your filter — This could be the name of the company or specific team member you’re filtering for.
  • Select which fields you’d like to filter for — Generally you’re looking to filter by “name”, “company_name”, “client”, “account_name”, and/or “organization”.  Make sure you select the client field in every datasource in the list. Skip to the end of this section to learn about deciding which filter is best to apply depending on your datasource.
  • Choose how you would like to filter the data — This is where you would search for and input the name of the company/ client. You may not see all names appear in the dropdown. Type into the search box to find what you’re looking for.
Step 4 — Apply the filter. Once the filter has been turned on, all affected gauges will have a green corner to the top right signifying that the gauges are now filtered. You can choose to exclude gauges from having the filter applied by clicking on the top right corner.
Step 5 —Clone. First make sure you applied the new filter, then go to More - Clone Dashboard, rename it and share with a client. Once you’ve created your first client dashboard, just repeat the process again:
  1. Start from the original dashboard
  2. Filter for a different company’s set of data
  3. Clone the dashboard
  4. Rename the dashboard
  5. Assign Dashboard Users
  6. Repeat
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