Duplicate Tickets - Assigned Resources Explanation

Are you seeing duplicate tickets in a gauge? Is that gauge using an assigned resources dataset?

If so, this is actually expected behavior. Assigned Resources datasets are based on scheduling information. Therefore in a gauge executing a "count", schedules are counted, not tickets. So if one ticket has multiple schedules on it, you will see the "ticket" multiple times in the dataset due to the fact that the schedules are what's being counted. To achieve a count of tickets using this dataset, you can use "ticket number" as the measure with the operation of "Count Distinct" instead of "Count". This will count distinct ticket numbers and not schedules. Please note that you would only want to do this if you are trying to create an open ticket metric broken up by resource. If that's not the case, then you will want to use a ticketing dataset for all other ticket metrics.

Note that a distinct count of tickets will be reflected on the gauge itself, but NOT on the DrillDown if it is activated. The reason for this is because the app would not be able to determine which single row out of the many should be displayed.


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