Step 1 - Log In to BrightGauge
Please log in to your BrightGauge account. If you have not created an account yet, go here to get started.
If you are logged in with a New Account:
From the account Overview page, click on the "Add a Datasource" button:
If you are logged in with an Existing Account:
Click on the "Data" menu at the top righthand corner of the screen, and select "Datasources" from the drop down menu:
Find the BizRatings datasource under "All" or under the "CSAT" category:
Step 2 - Connect to the BizRatings Datasource
After selecting the BizRatings datasource, you will be taken to a page where you can enter your Client ID and Client Secret.
To obtain your Client ID and Client Secret, you will need to reach out to your contact at BizRatings so that they can provide you with API credentials.
Go ahead and give this datasource a name. "BizRatings" is pretty catchy.
Step 3 - Test Connection and Save
Lastly, be sure to test and save the connection. If any errors arise with the test, please confirm the BizRatings account you used to log in has the correct credentials, and feel free to reach out to BrightGauge support with any questions.
Dashboards, reports, datasets, and gauges will be added to your account after the datasource is saved. They will start syncing immediately and typically complete syncing after 20-30 minutes.
Your Default Dashboards
- BizRatings - Quarterly Overview
- BizRatings - Response Overview
Your Default Reports
- BizRatings - Response Overview
Your Default Datasets
- Client Responses - Client satisfaction responses aggregated by month over a two year period
- Employee EResponses - EResponse scores per member aggregated by month over a two year period
- Quarterly Responses - Quarterly profitability stats per client
- Quarterly Responses Summary - Quarterly profitability stats per client
- Responses - Responses from ticket reviews over a two year period
- Score Per Tech - Separates each tech into their own row to be able to average the score per tech in a leaderboard or other aggregated gauge.
- Summaries - Response scores aggregated by month over a two year period
For a list of all default gauges, please visit the "Gauges" section of your account, sort by the Datasource you'd like to see and select for Default.
If you have any questions, please contact Support by selecting Help > Open a Ticket from the top menu bar.