Migrating from Autotask V1 to Autotask V2

Retiring Autotask V1

Over the last few months, we've focused on improving our partners connection via Autotask.

Next month, we'll make the final switch to our latest version of our Autotask datasource, what we've been calling Autotask V2; sunsetting, deprecating, retiring(however you'd like to put it!) the original version built.

All of this has come as a result in changes made in Autotask's own security permissions. 

What this means for you

First, you may be wondering, "which version of Autotask am I on?" 


Check the datasources section of your account to see which logo appears. From there, you may notice that you fall under one of three scenarios in this migration process:

A) You have two versions of Autotask V2. 

B) You see the first logo or signed up before July of 2019, and haven't taken any steps yet to begin the migration.

C) You have a few custom datasets our support team is working to copy over. No need to take any additional steps at this time unless you've already been instructed to do so.


Steps required - You have two versions of Autotask V2. 

So you've started the migration process already, with Brightgauge moving the rest of your custom work over for you. This means you see two V2 logos in the datasources section of your account. Your next steps are to:

  1. Watch this datasource migration video:

  2. Pick whichever version of the datasource has the least custom gauges and work put in for you to combine into the other datasource.

  3. Rename your V2 datasources for ease of telling them apart. 

  4. Migrate each custom gauge over to the preferred version. You'll need to open these in the gauge builder and click each layer name to replace with its datasource and dataset counterpart. *Refer to the Dataset Details in the right panel of the gauge builder to see each layer's corresponding dataset info. 

We know this may be confusing so please don't hesitate to submit a support ticket asking for help.


Steps required - You're still on the first version of Autotask, and haven't taken any steps yet to begin the migration.

Brightgauge would like to cover the migration work for you, we just need you to complete one important step first. Please create an Autotask user that has an API User (API-Only) security level; then, sync your datasource with that user's credentials.

Please take a minute to ensure the following requirements are met for the Autotask PSA user used to connect to the datasource in BrightGauge:

1. The Autotask user has an API User (API-Only) security level.

This security level provides full system administration access to PSA modules, features and the data available via Autotask's Web Services API.  It does all of this while limiting access to the Autotask UI itself.

2. The Autotask user is assigned an API Tracking Identifier set to "BrightGauge Software - BrightGauge".

Tracking identifiers are assigned on the Security tab of the API-only user's Resource Management page when adding a new API-only user, or editing an API-only user that does not yet have an identifier assigned. Select the "BrightGauge Software - BrightGauge" under the Integration Vendor menu.


For additional information, please see Autotask PSA: New requirements for version 1.6.0.

Once this has been set up, please reach out to support@brightgauge.com to indicate that you're ready for us to complete the migration for you. 


Additional Migration Checklist

  1. Watch this datasource migration video:

  2. Update your client mappings.

  3. Migrate all custom gauges. Update your linked gauge filters while there too.
  4. Take inventory of any modified report templates or default dashboards that you may need to make a copy of, or that have filters applied. You will need to set these up for the new datasource.  

  5. Watch this webinar on what's available with the new Autotask, including user defined fields:


Contact support @ brightgauge.com with any questions you may have.

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