Dashboard & Report Templates with Buildout Keys


Check back for our latest dashboard or report template. These also get shared on our Blog, and from our monthly User Showcase webinar

How to use: View the public dashboard link, then reference the buildout key to recreate these in your own BrightGauge.  If you'd like to submit your own template to be featured or have any questions, please reach out to success@brightgauge.com

Note: Some field names displayed in the keys may vary across datasources (ex: date_opened vs date_entered, board_name vs ticket_current_board) as well as datasets (ex: Ticket Statistics vs Ticket Statistics Last 240 Days). These items, though named differently, should show the same relevant data. Any questions on converting between PSAs, reach out to success@brightgauge.com.


Project Over Budget Tracking (October 2024 DoTM) – Inspired by our October User showcase Webinar with BrightGauge partner Jason Czaplicki from Ontech Systems, Inc., this dashboard shows how he tracks project metrics like budget hours, project statuses and utilization.

Recreate it in your own account: Buildout Key.



Service Desk 30-Day Summary Report (June 2024 RoTM) - Inspired by our March User Showcase Webinar with BrightGauge partner Scott Kingston, the Service Delivery Manager at Spark NZ, this report is designed to provide valuable context for recurring client meetings. It includes essential metrics such as ticket volume, trends, response and resolution times, and customer satisfaction ratings and is sent out on a monthly basis.

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.

Onboarding Audit (April 2022 RoTM) - Inspired by our April user showcase webinar with Anne Schoolcraft of a Couple of Gurus, this report was designed to be run at the end of the onboarding period to ensure all critical checkpoints are met. It features metrics on all machines, antivirus protection status, and warranty details. It also details how you might use custom configurations for things like obtaining after hour access details and understanding clients' software criticality.

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.

Profitability Analysis (December 2020 RoTM) - This report helps MSPs identify trends in profitability, focusing on agreement health, effective hourly rate, time spent on tickets, tickets opened by hour of the day, and margin on agreement and agreement additions. View this report monthly or quarterly. Use filtering in BrightGauge to narrow down by client or agreement type for a more granular look at profitability where needed.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key. 

Agreement Performance Report (November 2019 RoTM) - A high-level view of how fixed-fee Agreements are performing. Track your revenue, cost, and margins. Follow these steps to build in your account:  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Goals and EOS Tracking Weekly Report (Nov 2020 RoTM) - A weekly check-in on where the team stands with their goals, what is being done to meet their core values, tasks currently in the works, open projects, overdue tickets and tasks, and known issues to address.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.  

Client Heartbeat Report (June 2021 RoTM) - This report was created based on the Client Heartbeat Report and other KPIs shared in our May 2021 User showcase Webinar with James Oberhaus of CPI Solutions. It provides a review of team performance and client feedback; and is meant to drive discussion based on survey responses, response speed and efficiency, and the level of communication provided to your clients. 
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key. 

Client End of Month Report - A great monthly recap of the metrics that matter most to your clients: ticket stats, asset management, and computer health.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Quarterly Business Review (September 2020 RoTM) - Comprehensive client report that will showcase all of the behind-the-scenes work and value of your services!  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Engineer Audit Monthly Report (July 2020 RoTM)- Send this to your technicians each month to review their billable %, scorecard, time tracking, CSAT, and more over the last 6 months.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Internal Weekly Service Report (February 2020 RoTM) - Our go-to report for sync ups and keeping the team in the loop with work to be done.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 


Internal Service Delivery Dashboards 

RMM Overview - Endpoints (July 2024 DoTM) - Inspired by our June User Showcase Webinar with BrightGauge partner Nate Ginn, the Centralized System Manager at ESI Technology Advisors, this dashboard provides a snapshot into metrics like disk space utilization, OS patch compliance, and RMM ticket performance.

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.

CIO Operations Dashboard (Jan 2023 DoTM) - Created by longtime partner Joe Somerville of Network People, this dashboard was designed for the CIO/vCIOs department. It provides the data needed to manage their day-to-day operations on all open client items and pulls from tickets, activities, opportunities, and time entries. It can also be used for goal-setting and historical tracking of client-facing meetings. Be sure to check out the notes on the buildout key to see how they're using ticket types/subtypes, source, statuses, activity types, and work types to gauge the efficiency of their CIO/vCIO team(s). To see more of Network People's great work with even more team/individual Dashboards and Quarterly Business Review examples, watch this webinar on Making Data-Driven Decisions featuring Joe Somerville.

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.

Service Delivery Management Dashboard (June 2022 DoTM) - Inspired by our June user showcase webinar with Jeremiah Best of Aligned Technology Solutions, this dashboard was designed to help manage a service delivery team. Jeremiah spoke about the need for revising your KPIs as you grow and this dashboard showcases top KPIs across that growth spectrum. It includes tech billable utilization, billable percentages and client hours, SLA statistics, and metrics to gauge the team's current ticket performance.

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.

Ticket Dispatch (March 2022 DoTM) - Inspired by our March user showcase webinar with Ken Smith of 2W Technologies, this dashboard features metrics to help dispatchers prioritize tickets, spot issues, and assign the right technicians. It includes metrics to highlight high priority tickets and tickets with no type, agreement, and/or configuration. It also provides information on the triage and dispatch process and technicians schedules. Towards the bottom of the dashboard, you'll find metrics like same-day resolution rate and average time to resolve to help gauge how efficient the team is operating.  

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.

Help Desk SLA Scorecard (November 2021 DoTM- Inspired by the KPIs shared in our November 2021 User Showcase Webinar, Future-Proofing your Team with Goal Setting, with Daniel Gilbert of Kite Technology. This dashboard is used to help the service team prioritize tickets based on SLA's. It provides details of tickets whose SLA's are in play, tickets that are opened but missed their SLA's, and an overview of what tickets hit or missed their SLA's overall.

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key. 

Service Operations Management (July 2021 DoTM) - Inspired by the KPIs shared in our June 2021 User Showcase Webinar with Mark Wright of I.T. WORKS! Get a high-level overview of the service team's productivity and gauge clients' happiness against team's performance. The service operations manager can check this dashboard multiple times a month to spot trends or potential problems requiring intervention. Includes KPI's such as tickets and hours per endpoint, SLA adherence, and a ticket escalation ratio.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key. 

Support Shift Handoff (April 2021) - For support teams that work shifts, this dashboard will help pass on vital information between shifts. KPIs include a list of critical alerts, unassigned tickets, escalated and stale tickets, average response rate, kill rate, and closed tickets missing configurations. 
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Engineer Dashboard for Self-Triaging (Watch the webinar) Filter this dashboard for an individual tech to see what's on their plate for today, tasks available for pick up, and stats for the last week. KPIs include same day ticket statistics, completed tickets, past due items, in progress, assigned and “In-Progressible” tickets. Also find team stats for current and last week with survey stats.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Daily Service Board Support Team Dashboard - Dashboard at a glance view of your ticket status and averages. KPIs include average time to response and resolution, tickets resolved by tech, average ticket lifespan and opened tickets by client are some of the metrics included on this board.   
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Team Capacity Dashboard (January 2020 DoTM) Our User Showcase Webinar Keeping your MSP Reliable with Daily Micro Goals and our Team Capacities blog post dives into how you can track team capacities to drive success. Review for key metrics to track utilization, and see if your techs are meeting capacity with assigned hours per member. 
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Individual Tech Dashboard (Webinar Highlight) – Track individual tech progress and performance with filters. KPIs include NPS, documentation, time worked, and first call resolution. Learn more about the power of tech dashboards in this blog post.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key

Service Desk KPI's Based on the ConnectWise top recommended service KPIs, this dashboard includes resource utilization, billable percentage, and SLA compliance. For more ConnectWise metrics, check out this guide.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Team Huddle Dashboard (February 2021 DoTM)  A dashboard overview of the day's action items for your support team. Shared by Paul Bischer of GRIT Technologies, this dashboard helps drive daily meeting agendas with insights on open tickets, daily schedules, and any past due items.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.  

Manage to Zero – The goal is to reach 0 across the board! Manage all metrics to zero through set thresholds. KPIs include all the golden metrics that require action and use color thresholds. Learn more in our blog post 
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Manage to Green An essential dashboard that gives a quick view of current progress. Keep KPIs within the ‘green’ or exceed results! Metrics that turn to red show areas where you may be falling behind. Learn more in our blog post. Follow these steps to build in your account.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Daily Service Delivery Board (July 2019 DoTM) – Inspired by our IT Management Associates blog post, this dashboard provides up to date information on tickets, hours entered, SLA stats, survey responses, and more. Re-build in your account: Buildout Key  

Actionable Daily Service Board - Daily view of tickets that need action, hours entered by tech, SLA stats, and survey responses. This dashboard helps the service team ensure that action is taken on all the outstanding items 
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key  

RMM Onboarding Audit Dashboard (CW RMM/Command Data only) (July 2023 DoTM) – Created by Lisa Harris , a ConnectWise subject matter expert on CW RMM/Command & BrightGauge Partner Success Manager, this dashboard can effectively identify potential areas of concern that might have been overlooked, such as suboptimal server performance, missing backups, or desktops and servers lacking critical patches or antivirus installations. It is intended to be filtered by site and proactively monitored during the new client onboarding phase.

Rebuild in your account: Buildout Key

Client-Facing Dashboards 

Executive Business Review Dashboard - Inspired by our February User Showcase Webinar with partner Jeremy Roth from S1 Technology, this dashboard is used as part of conducting Quarterly Business Reviews with clients. It includes high-level metrics on tickets opened and closed in the quarter, SLA trends, and managed devices. For added transparency, you can share this dashboard with clients using a viewer license or easily convert it into a report to provide an emailed copy.

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key. 

Client-Facing Executive Dashboard - Inspired by our October User Showcase Webinar with partner Joe Hatton, from Structured Communication System, this Dashboard was designed to use metrics to offer’s insights to clients about their own metrics and the services their MSP is providing. This include ticketing information, workstation, server, network metrics, and more. 

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key. 

Standard Client Information & Quick Links (March 2021) - Client facing dashboard, ideal for lower touch customers, it's a quick way to get an overview of their account details. It contains basic MSP information for the client like number of servers and workstations, links to open a ticket, make an order, or pay their bill as well as their account manager contact details. Our Client Account Overview blog post highlights how this Dashboard can be used in your organization. 
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key  

Client Service Overview  - A great way to show clients a quick service summary. It focuses on the key metrics like CSAT, ticket stats and SLA summary.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Client Service & Remote Monitoring Status For the hands-on customer that loves getting into the KPIs, provide more detailed overview of the service status. This dashboard shows the client a mix of ticketing, CSAT and RMM stats such as average resolution times, out of warranty machines and tickets pending customer.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Device Management Client Overview (March DoTM) - This Automate-based shares your workstation, PC, and project stats. Set up for your clients, filter, and share. Check out our Client Success Overview blog post to learn more.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key   

Quarterly Business Review Dashboard - A fresh take on the classic QBR report to highlight the services you provide. Set up filters, clone, and share with your clients for visibility into your operation; they will appreciate the transparency! To learn more, you can watch a short video here or check out our blog post Quarterly Business Review 
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key  

Team Leadership/Client Management Dashboards 

Customer Care Dashboard- Inspired by our November User Showcase Webinar with partner Megan Ingala, from Watchmen Security Services, this dashboard was crafted to offer an insightful perspective on your customers' metrics, empowering you to take a proactive approach in delivering exceptional services. This include ticketing information, weekly invoicing, non-billable hours, attrition and more. 

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key. 

 Internal Client Dashboard (May 2023 DoTM) – Created by Evan Dumouchel at Interlaced, this dashboard’s purpose is to provide a comprehensive overview of clients' current health and performance. This dashboard is meant to hold multiple filters, in order to narrow your data to a specific client, date range and service board. To see more of Evan’s dashboards and how he actively uses filters, watch our May webinar on Functional Dashboard Filters for Analyzing Team Performance.

Rebuild in your account: Buildout Key

Invoice Time Review (February 2022 DoTM) - Inspired by our February user showcase webinar with Todd Moss of 24HourTek, this dashboard shares metrics to help the billing and service team review time entries for a more seamless invoicing process. It features time review metrics based on agreement types, work types, and has a member time review section as well.  

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.

Client Management Overview (January 2022 DoTM) - Inspired by our January user showcase webinar with James Cash of SuperFast IT, this dashboard shares metrics to help account managers build a more proactive approach to relationship building. When filtered by individual client, you can get granular information on recent ticket history, client satisfaction, agreement additions, cross-sell opportunities, and profitability. 

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.

Customer Analysis- Inspired by our September User Showcase Webinar with partner Jeremy Martinson, from High Point Networks, this Dashboard was designed to use metrics to efficiently manage client relationships, deliver exceptional customer service, as well as keep an eye on financials. This include ticketing information, CSAT metrics, billing information, and more!

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.


Financial/Leadership Dashboards

Client Profitability (December 2021 DoTM) - Inspired by our December user showcase webinar with Paul Recksiek of Solvere One, this dashboard starts off with some high-level metrics like active and supported contacts, MRR, Hours by work type, and Net Profit. Then, the second half of the dashboard allows for a granular, client by client view into profitability.

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.

Financial Overview (September 2021 DoTM) - This dashboard is intended for the executive-level team. It was inspired by the August 2021 User Showcase Webinar with Kevin of Premier One. Check out his podcast to hear more from him! This dashboard highlights net and gross profit tracking, MRR, P&L Performance, and a 'turning point' gauge that shows when you've hit your 'breaking even' point for the year. A lot of the data on this dashboard leverages Quickbooks and helps inform executive-level decisions.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Financial Health Dashboard (January 2021 DoTM) – Our blog post, Financial Health, describes how a financial health dashboard can be advantageous. It assists in keeping track of your most important high level financial metrics like EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Amortization), MRR, Margin %, Churn % and get insight into the potential total revenue each of your customers can bring with Customer Lifetime Value gauge.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key  

Leadership KPI's (December 2019 DoTM) - Get an overhead view of the health of your company with stats on income, gross profit, and performance. Check out our Leadership KPI  blog post.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Finance KPI's - This board offers a breakdown of distributed revenue by client, hourly rates, and margins.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

MSP Overview Dashboard - See high-level financial and service metrics on a single board. This dashboard shows some important financial KPI's together with the average response and resolution time stats over the past months and the total number of managed users and endpoints.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Sales Dashboards 

Company Pipeline (May 2022 DoTM) - Inspired by our May user showcase webinar with D.J. Hanen of Five Star Technology Solutions, this dashboard was designed to help manage to a healthy pipeline, work towards having good sales data, and tracking opportunities won versus lost.

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.

Account Manager (August 2021 DoTM) - This dashboard provides the client manager (aka account manager) a home base for managing their book of accounts. It was inspired by the July 2021 User Showcase Webinar with Josh Smith and Harrison Teel of System Solutions. It includes proactive gauges like CSAT follow ups and tasks for quarterly business reviews, as well as metrics focused on future client opportunities and won revenue. You can also read more about the Client Manager Dashboard in our blog post here.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.  

Sales Management Dashboard (September 2019 DoTM) - Compare your profits with revenue, margins, and what is in the pipeline.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Sales Team KPI's - A clean view of these golden sales metrics: revenue in pipeline, opportunities, revenue won, and other sales activities.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Sales Leadership KPI's - A different view of your sales health: total revenue, agreements by product and service, won & lost, opportunities by rep and stage.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 


Project Management Dashboards 

Project Overview Dashboard - Set up this board to track time spent across projects, revenue yet to be collected, projects over budget, and project revenue forecasting.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key 

Professional Services Key Metrics (October 2021 DoTM) - This Dashboard is brought to you by Craig Howarth of Nuago, an IT Solutions Integrator. For Nuago, professional services includes project management, pre-sales and consulting services. KPIs shared focus on time entries, profitability, team performance, and overall project tracking.  
Re-build in your account: Buildout Key

Project Management - Manager View (July 2022 DoTM) - Inspired by ourJuly user showcase webinar with Derek Diaz of Charter Technology Solutions, this dashboard provides a high-level manager's view of the project team. While Derek shared a more customized dashboard using custom SQL queries, this version is easily built with Manage Cloud. It features project ticket tracking metrics, an average cost performance index, project hours budget assessment metrics, and a project margin breakdown.

Re-build in your account: Buildout Key.


Operational Maturity Dashboards  

Watch the May 2020 Webinar, hosted by Eric Hoffmaster of Innovative Computing Systems, and recreate one of the dashboards below to match where you are in your operational maturity. You can also learn more about Operational Maturity on the Connectwise Blog.  

Operational Maturity Dashboard - Phase 2 
Example Board: Buildout Key  

Operational Maturity Dashboard - Phase 3 
Example Board: Buildout Key 

Operational Maturity Dashboard - Phase 4 
Example Board: Buildout Key 

Operational Maturity Dashboard - Phase 5 
Example Board: Buildout Key 

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