This article provides information on the ConnectWise Asio® Executive report for ConnectWise RMM™. To access this report, click Reports in the top menu bar, then click on the Executive Report.
Note: The Executive Report is for the v.1 patching module. For users on patching module v.2, use the v2 version of the report.
Executive Report Breakdown
The Executive Report consists of the following sections and gauges. Each section contains one or more gauges. By default, the Executive Report shows data for all of your clients. After you set up and schedule a report for a specific client, the data is automatically filtered for that client.
By default, all gauges are configured to show data for the previous month. For example, if you are looking at the report on June 5th, 2020, the report shows data for the entire month of May 2020. However, this is configurable at the gauge level by filtering the date. You can filter the date range for all gauges except for the score gauges, which are currently calculated only for a month. Note that the score for the previous month is calculated and is available on or after the 5th day of the current month.
The following gauges are included in the report by default. You can remove the gauges that you don't need or modify the gauges to suit your own needs.
Score Section
Overall Score
This is an overall score of the site or sites. The score is currently calculated as it is in the existing Executive Reports. Refer to Executive Reports for details on how the score is calculated. Data is pulled once every day. The score is available on a monthly basis and is calculated for the previous month on or after the 5th day of the current month.
The Overall Score is interpreted as follows:
- 95 - 100: Excellent
- 90 - 94: Good
- 80 - 89: Fair
- 50 - 79: Poor
- 0 - 49: Failing
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- Month Starting (Date)
- Workstation Endpoint Protection
- Workstation Disk
- Workstation Patch
- Workstation Temp File
- Workstation Warranty
- Server AV
- Server Availability
- Server CPU
- Server Disk
- Server Memory
- Server Patch
- Server Warranty
Server Score
Shows individual scores for Server Endpoint Protection, Server Availability, Server CPU, Server Disk Util, Server Memory, Server Patching, and Desktop Server Warranty for servers. The Score is currently calculated as it is in the existing Executive Reports. Refer to Executive Reports for details on how the score is calculated. Data is pulled once every day. The score is available on a monthly basis and is calculated for the previous month on or after the 5th day of the current month.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Site
- Respective Average Score (e.g., when clicked on Endpoint Protection, number shows Endpoint Protection score)
- Month Starting (Date)
Workstation Score
Shows individual scores for Workstation Endpoint Protection, Workstation Disk Util, Workstation Patching, Workstation Temp File and Workstation Warranty for workstations. The score is currently calculated as it is in the existing Executive Reports. Refer to Executive Reports for details on how the score is calculated. Data is pulled once every day. The score is available on a monthly basis and is calculated for the previous month on or after the 5th day of the current month.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Site
- Respective Average Score (e.g., when clicked on Endpoint Protection, number shows Endpoint Protection score)
- Month Starting (Date)
Summary and Performance Details Section
Shows the total number of unique servers that were active in the given time period. Data is collected every two hours on a daily basis. The most recent data for any given day is considered in the report.
- Is Active is True
- Date is set to Last Month excluding current month
- Type - Servers and MSMA
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- System Name
- Friendly Name
- IP Address
- OS Product
- System Model
- Last Agent Check Date
- Last Logged on User
Shows the total number of unique workstations that were active in the given time period. Data is collected every two hours on a daily basis. The most recent data for any given day would be considered in the report.
- Is Active is True
- Date is set to Last Month excluding current month
- Type - Desktops
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- System Name
- Friendly Name
- IP Address
- OS Product
- Last Agent Check Date
- Last Logged on User
Machines Out of Warranty
Shows the total number of active machines that are out of warranty as of today. Data is collected every two hours on a daily basis. The most recent data for any given day would be considered in the report.
Filter: Warranty End Date is Earlier than today
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- System Name
- Friendly Name
- IP Address
- OS Product
- Machine Type
- Warranty End Date
- Warranty Description
- Last Agent Check Date
- Last Logged on User
Machines Warranty Expiring in 90 days
Shows the total number of active machines with a warranty that expires within the next 90 days. Data is collected every two hours on a daily basis. Only active warranties are shown for each day. The most recent data for any given day is considered in the report.
Filter: Warranty End Date is in next 90 days
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- System Name
- Friendly Name
- IP Address
- OS Product
- Machine Type
- Warranty End Date
- Warranty Description
- Last Agent Check Date
- Last Logged on User
Machines with potential performance issues
This gauge shows the number of machines which have shown potential performance issues. If the performance of a specific machine is not within the defined thresholds on any given day for a given time period, then that machine is termed as having performance issues. Percentages for each metric are customizable in the gauge configuration. For example, you can configure this as Servers with Availability < 99% (from the default of 95%) within the gauge settings. Note that these are percentages and not scores. The lower the Utilization percentage, the better the performance.
- Servers with Availability < 95%
- Servers with CPU Utilization > 70%
- Servers with Memory Utilization > 80%
- Servers with Disk Space Utilization > 70%
- Workstations with Disk Space Utilization > 80%
For performance metrics (CPU Utilization, Availability, Disk Space Utilization, Memory Utilization), data is collected every 30 minutes. Daily measures for these metrics are calculated as an average for all data collected during the day for each machine. Monthly measures are calculated as an average based on daily data. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge.
- Calendar Date - Last 1 month excluding current month
- Respective % as per the thresholds described above
- OS Product - For filtering Server and Desktops
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- Machine Name
- Friendly Name
- OS
- IP Address
- Respective % (if it is disk utilization, then disk utilization %)
- Date
Patches Installed
Shows the total count of patches installed during the given time period. Patching data is collected every two hours on a daily basis. The most recent data for any given day is considered in the report.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- Machine Name
- Friendly Name
- OS
- KB Article
- Update Title
- Install Date
- Machine Type
OS Patch Status
This gauge shows the OS patching status of each machine in the given time period. Each status has a trend line. Patching data is collected every two hours on a daily basis. The most recent status on any given day is considered in the report.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- Machine Name
- Friendly Name
- OS
- Last Current Date
- OS Patch Status
- Last Agent Checkin Date
- OS Update Missing Count
OS Patches Installed by Severity
Shows the total number of patches installed per severity category for servers and workstations during the given time period. Data is collected every two hours on a daily basis. The most recent data for any given day is considered in the report.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- Machine Name
- Friendly Name
- OS
- KB Article
- Severity
- Update Title
- Install Date
Machines Missing Critical OS Patches
Shows the total number of machines that are missing critical OS patches for the given time period. By default, this chart only shows data for critical OS patches. However, you can use gauge filters to add data for other severity categories or for all patches without a severity category. Data is collected every two hours and reported on a daily basis. The most recent data for any given day is considered in the report.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- Machine Name
- Friendly Name
- OS
- KB Article
- Severity
- Update Title
- Report Date
Endpoint Protection Summary
Shows which machines were protected, out of date, or had no information available or no endpoint protection installed. The drilldown provides details on endpoint protection software for any given day during the given time period. Data is collected every two hours and reported on a daily basis. The most recent data for any given day is considered in the report.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- Machine Name
- OS
- Endpoint Protection Software Name
- Definition Version
- Is Protected
- Calendar Date
- Last check Date
Webroot Threats Trending
Shows counts of active treats versus threats neutralized by Webroot during a given time period in the form of a trend line. Data is collected every 30 minutes and reported on a daily basis. The most recent data for any given day is considered in the report.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- Machine Name
- Friendly Name
- System Type
- Active Threats
- Threats Neutralized
Application Update Status
This gauge shows the Application Update (3rd Party Patching) status of each machine in the given time period. Each status has its own trendline. Data is collected every two hours on a daily basis. The report considers the most recent status of a machine on any given day.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Site Name
- System Name
- Friendly Name
- OS
- Date
- Application Updates Missing Count
- Last Agent Check
Help Desk Section
Tickets Opened
Shows the total number of tickets opened in the given time period. Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Client Name
- Service Request ID
- Category
- Service Request Created
- Service Request Resolved
- First Response Time
- Time to Resolution
- Created by
Tickets Closed
Shows the total number of tickets closed in the given time period. Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Client Name
- Service Request ID
- Category
- Service Request Created
- Service Request Resolved
- First Response Time
- Time to Resolution
- Created by
Tickets Escalated
Shows the total number of tickets escalated in the given time period. Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on a daily basis in BrightGauge.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Client Name
- Service Request ID
- Category
- Service Request Created
- Service Request Resolved
- First Response Time
- Time to Resolution
- Created by
Average Resolution Time
Shows the average ticket resolution time in minutes. Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on a daily basis in BrightGauge.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Client Name
- Service Request ID
- Category
- Service Request Created
- Service Request Resolved
- First Response Time
- Time to Resolution
- Created by
Ticket Source
Shows a breakup of the sources from which tickets were created. Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on a daily basis in BrightGauge.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Client Name
- Service Request ID
- Category
- Service Request Created
- Service Request Resolved
- First Response Time
- Time to Resolution
- Created by
Ticket Opened vs. Closed
Shows how many tickets were opened versus closed during the selected time period. Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on a daily basis in BrightGauge.
Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month
Drilldown columns:
- Client Name
- Service Request ID
- Category
- Service Request Created
- Service Request Resolved
- First Response Time
- Time to Resolution
- Created by
Recover Section
No. of Appliances, Protected Servers, and Workstations
Shows how the total number of appliances, protected servers, and workstations changed over the given time period. Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on a daily basis in BrightGauge.
Filter: Date last month excluding current month
- Appliance Date
- Provision Date
- Last Deployment Date
- Latest Available Appliance Version
- Deployment Status
- Appliance Availability
- Appliance Uptime
- CPU Cores
- Memory
- Total Disk Space
- Free Disk Space
- Operation System
- Count of Protected Servers
- Count of Protected Workstations
Cloud Storage Used
Shows the total cloud storage used during the given time period. Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on a daily basis in BrightGauge.
Filter: Date last month excluding current month
- Site Name
- Appliance Name
- Date
- License Key
- Member Name
- Pooled Storage Count
Local Backup Status
Shows the local backup status for all protected machines during the given time period. Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on a daily basis in BrightGauge.
Filter: Last local verify completion date last month excluding current month
- Site Name
- Machine Name
- Appliance Name
- Drive Volume Backed Up
- Local Space Used
- Execution Date
- Finished Count
- Error Count
- Duplicate Count
- Canceled Count
Offsite Backup Status
Shows the offsite backup status for all protected machines during the given time period. Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on a daily basis in BrightGauge.
Filter: Last offsite verify completion date last month excluding current month
- Appliance Name
- Drive Volume Backed Up
- Local Space Used
- Execution Date
- Finished Count
- Error Count
- Duplicate Count
- Canceled Count
TruVerify Status
Shows the offsite backup status for all protected machines during the given time period. Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on a daily basis in BrightGauge.
Filter: Last Tru Verify completion date last month excluding current month
- Site Name
- Machine Name
- Appliance Name
- Execution Date
- Finished Count
- Error Count
- Duplicate Count
- Canceled Count
Score Calculation
Metric | Score Calculation | Weightage | |
Desktops | Endpoint Protection |
The average percentage of all the active desktops that had the Endpoint Protection status as Synchronized or Protected by Webroot percentage during the month. Note: Each desktop’s monthly percentage = ((No. of days in a month the desktop was Synchronized/Protected by Webroot)/No. of days in a month the desktop was active)*100) |
200 |
Disk Space |
The percentage of utilized disk space of all the active desktops is collected every 30 minutes. The daily average is calculated based on all the 30 minutes interval averages. The average daily percentages for all the days of the month is calculated as a monthly percentage. Disk Space Score is then assigned based on the percentage range as follows:
Example: If the Monthly percentage is 33 then the score is 100 |
10 | |
Patches | (No. of active desktops with OS last current data < 14 days AND have been online in past 14 days/No. of active desktops online in last 14 days) * 100 | 350 | |
Temporary Files | (No. of desktops with their temporary files deleted/No. of active desktops) * 100 | 5 | |
Warranty | (No. of active desktops with an active warranty in a month/No. of active desktops where warranty data is collected) * 100 | 10 | |
Servers | Endpoint Protection |
The average percentage of all the active servers that had the Endpoint Protection status as Synchronized or Protected by Webroot percentage during the month. Note: Each server’s monthly percentage = ((No. of days in a month the server was Synchronized/Protected by Webroot)/No. of days in a month the server was active)*100) |
300 |
Availability |
Availability (online/offline status) of all the active servers is collected every 30 minutes. The daily average is calculated based on these availability statuses. The average daily availability percentage for the month is calculated for a monthly availability percentage. This percentage is termed as the Server availability score. |
1000 | |
CPU Utilization |
The percentage of utilized CPU of all the active servers is collected every 30 minutes. The daily average is calculated based on all the 30 minutes interval averages. Average of daily percentages for all the days of the month is calculated for a monthly percentage CPU Utilization Score is assigned based on the percentage range as follows:
Example: If the Monthly percentage is 33 then the score is 100 |
100 | |
Memory Utilization |
The percentage of utilized memory of all the active servers is collected every 30 minutes. The daily average is calculated based on all the 30 minutes interval averages. Average of daily percentages for all the days of the month is calculated as a monthly percentage Memory Utilization Score is assigned based on the percentage range as follows:
Example: If the Monthly percentage is 33 then the score is 100 |
100 | |
Disk Utilization |
The percentage of utilized disk space of all the active servers is collected every 30 minutes. The daily average is calculated based on all the 30 minutes interval averages. Average daily percentages for all the days of the month is calculated as a monthly percentage. Disk Utilization Score is assigned based on the percentage range as follows:
Example: If the Monthly percentage is 33 then the score is 100 |
300 | |
Patches | (No. of active servers with OS last current data < 14 days AND have been online in past 14 days/No. of active servers online in last 14 days) * 100 | 400 | |
Warranty | (No. of active devices with an active warranty in a month/No. of active devices where warranty data is collected) * 100 | 25 |
Overall Score = (Sum of all metric scores X weightages) / 2800
- For Desktop only site: Overall Score = (Sum of all metric scores for desktops X weightages) / 575
- For Server only site: Overall Score = (Sum of all metric scores for desktops X weightages) / 2225
Gauge Details
The following table provides details on the gauges included in the Asio Executive Report.
Gauge Name | Data | Drilldown Columns |
Score Section | ||
Overall Score - Number Gauge Filter by Date - Last 1 month excluding current month |
Data is pulled once everyday. Score is available on a monthly basis and is calculated for previous month on or after 5th day of the current month. |
Server Score - Table Gauge Shows individual score of Server Endpoint Protection, Server Availability, Server CPU, Server Disk Util, Server Memory, Server Patching, and Desktop Server Warranty Filter by Date - Last 1 month excluding current month |
Data is pulled once everyday. Score is available on a monthly basis and is calculated for previous month on or after 5th day of the current month. |
For Each Layer:
Workstation Score - Table Gauge Shows individual score of Workstation Endpoint Protection, Workstation Disk Util, Workstation Patching, Workstation Temp File and Workstation Warranty Filter by Date - Last 1 month excluding current month |
Data is pulled once everyday. Score is available on a monthly basis and is calculated for previous month on or after 5th day of the current month. |
For Each Layer:
Endpoint Statistics and Performance Section | ||
Servers - Number Gauge Shows unique count of number of servers which were active in last month Filters
Data is collected every 2 hours but only latest data for each day is considered. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge with the latest data. |
Workstations - Number gauge Shows unique count of number of Workstations which were active in last month Filters
Data is collected every 2 hours but only latest data for each day is considered. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge with the latest data. |
Out of Warranty - Number Gauge Shows unique count of number of machines whose warranty end date is earlier than today Filter:
Warranty data is collected every 2 hours and provided on daily basis. Only active warranties are shown for each day. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge with the latest data. |
Warranty Expiring in 90 Days - Number Gauge Shows unique count of number of machines whose warranty end date is in next 90 days Filter:
Warranty data is collected every 2 hours and provided on daily basis. Only active warranties are shown for each day. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge with the latest data. |
Machines with potential performance issues - Table Gauge
For performance metrics (CPU Utilization, Availability, Disk Space Utilization, Memory Utilization) data is collected every 30 minutes. Daily measures for them calculated as an average for all data collected during the day for each machine. Monthly measures calculated as an average based on daily data. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge |
Patches Installed - Number Gauge Shows total number of patches installed during the time period. Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month |
Patching data is collected every 2 hours. Only the latest status for each machine is considered for each day. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge. |
Patch Status - Line chart Shows Patch status of each machine for last month. Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month |
Patching data is collected every 2 hours. Only the latest status for each machine is considered for each day. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge. |
Patches Installed by Severity - Column Chart Shows Patches Installed per severity category for Servers and Desktops Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month |
Patching data is collected every 2 hours. Only the latest status for each machine is considered for each day. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge. |
Patches Missing - Line Chart Shows number of patches missing for Servers and Workstations over last month Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month |
Patching data is collected every 2 hours. Only the latest status for each machine is considered for each day. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge. |
Endpoint Protection Summary
Shows which machines are protected, out of data or do not have either any information available or do not have any Endpoint Protection software installed on any given day during the given time period Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month |
Endpoint Protection data is collected every 2 hours. Only the latest status for each machine is considered for each day. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge . |
Webroot Threats Trending
Total number of active threats vs Total no. of threats neutralized per day during the last month Filter: Date Lat month excluding current month |
Webroot threats data is collected every 30 minutes. Only the latest status for each machine is considered for each day. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge. |
Application Updates Status - Line Chart Shows Third Party patching status of machines on a given day during last month Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month |
Webroot threats data is collected every 30 minutes. Only the latest status for each machine is considered for each day. Data is synchronized once every day into BrightGauge. |
Help Desk Section | ||
Tickets Opened - Number gauge Number of tickets opened in last month Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month |
Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge. |
Tickets Closed - Number gauge Number of tickets closed in last month Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month |
Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge. |
Tickets Escalated - Number gauge Number of tickets escalated in last month Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month |
Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge. |
Avg. Resolution Time - Number gauge Average time to resolve all the tickets closed in last month Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month |
Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge. |
Ticket Source
Shows the source of all the tickets created in last month Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month |
Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge. |
Tickets Opened vs Closed Shows trend of all the tickets opened vs closed during last month Filter: Last 1 month excluding current month. |
Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge. |
Recover Section | ||
No. of Appliances, Protected Servers and Desktops
Trend line for no. of Appliance, Protected Servers and Protected Desktops for each day of the last month Filters: Date Last Month excluding current month. |
Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge. |
Cloud Storage Used Trend line for the total cloud storage used per day for each day of the last month Filters: Date Last Month excluding current month. |
Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge. |
Tru Verify Status - Shows offsite backup status for all the protected machines during the given time period. Filters: Last Tru verify Completion date Last month excluding current month. |
Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge. |
Local Backup Status - Shows offsite backup status for all the protected machines during the given time period. Filters: Last Local verify Completion date Last month excluding current month. |
Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge. |
Offsite Backup Status - Shows offsite backup status for all the protected machines during the given time period. Filters: Last Offsite verify Completion date Last month excluding current month. |
Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge.Data is collected at the end of each day and reported on daily basis in BrightGauge. |