This page lists the fields in each ConnectWise PSA™ (Manage) On-Premises dataset and the name and location of each field in PSA.
NOTE: Parts of the document are still being populated.
Assigned Resources Open Tickets
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
acknowledgement_date | Responded | Service Desk >Ticket > SLA Status | DateTime | The first response date for the ticket. In reference to the SLA status being flagged for first response |
age_days | Age | Service Desk > Ticket > Ticket tab | Number | The total number of days a ticket has been open. |
agreement_status | Agreement Status | Agreements > Agreement Tab | String | The current status of the agreement. |
agreement_type | Agreement Type | Agreements > Agreement Tab | String | The type associated with the agreement that the ticket is associated with. |
assigned_resource | Resource | Service Desk > Ticket > Schedule > Resource & Meetings | String | The full name of the resource associated with the schedule. |
board | Board | Service Desk > Ticket > Ticket Pod | String | The current board that the ticket is associated with. |
closed_flag | Marked Done | Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail | String | Dictates whether a ticket is open or closed based on the date_closed. |
company_id | Company ID | Companies > Company tab > Company Details | String | The company ID of the company that submitted the ticket. |
company_name | Company | Ticket > Ticket tab | String | The company that submitted the ticket. |
customer_updated | Customer updated | Ticket > Ticket tab > checkbox under Notes | String | Dictates whether or not a customer has updated a ticket. |
date_last_updated | Last Updated | Ticket > Ticket tab | DateTime | The date a ticket was last updated. |
date_opened | Entered | Service Desk > Ticket | DateTime | The date a ticket was opened. |
hours_actual | Hours Actual | Service Desk > Ticket > Time Tab | Number | The actual hours worked on the schedule. |
hours_scheduled | No name, found between dates on schedule | Ticket > Time tab | Number | The number of hours scheduled on a ticket. |
id | Number | The recid associated with the schedule. | ||
member_id | Resource | Service Desk > Ticket > Schedule > Resource & Meetings | String | The member ID of the resource associated with the schedule. |
metresplansla | Will appear in the audit trail as met or unmet for the corresponding SLA trigger record | Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail | String | Denotes whether or not a ticket has met the Resolution Plan SLA. |
metresponsesla | Will appear in the audit trail as met or unmet for the corresponding SLA trigger record | RespondedService Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail | String | Denotes whether or not a ticket has met the Response SLA. |
priority | priority | Ticket > Ticket tab > Ticket pod | String | The set priority of the ticket. |
project_manager | Role | Project>Team | String | The manager associated with the project that is tied to the schedule. |
project_name | Project Name | Project | String | The name of the project. |
project_number | Project ID | Project | Number | The project number tied to the project. |
project_number_name_and_phase | N/A | N/A | String | The project number, name, and phase. |
project_phase | Phase | Project > Work Plan | String | The current phase of the project. |
project_status | Status | Project | String | The current status of the project. |
project_type | Type | Project | String | The type associated with the project. |
resolution_plan_date | Resolution Plan | Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail > Resolution Plan | String | The date that the ticket entered the SLA stage "We Have a Plan". |
resolved_flag |
Escalation Level is resolved |
Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail | String | Denotes whether a ticket is resolved. |
response_date | Responded | Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail > Responded | String | The first response date for the ticket. |
schedule_acknowledged_date | technician Marked Acknowledged | Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail | DateTime | The date a schedule was acknowledged. |
schedule_acknowledgement_flag | Acknowledge | Service Ticket > Schedule tab > Resource > Acknowledge checkbox | Boolean | Denotes whether a schedule was acknowledged. |
schedue_close_flag | Marked Done | Service Ticket > Schedule tab | Boolean | Denotes whether a schedule is closed. |
scheduled_date_end | Service Desk > Ticket > Schedule > Resource & Meetings | DateTime | The scheduled end date for the ticket tied to the schedule. | |
scheduled_date_start | ? | Service Desk > Ticket > Schedule > Resource & Meetings | DateTime | The scheduled start date for the ticket tied to the schedule. |
schedule_entered | New Schedule Record Added | Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail | DateTime | The date a schedule was entered in Connectwise. |
sla_escalation_status | SLA Status | Ticket > Ticket tab > Ticket pod | String | Denotes which SLA Stage the ticket is in. |
status | Status | Ticket > Ticket tab > Ticket pod | String | The current status associated with the ticket. |
sub_type | Subtype | Ticket > Ticket tab > Ticket pod | String | The current sub-type associated with the ticket. |
summary | Summary | Ticket > Ticket tab > Ticket pod | String | The ticket summary tied to the ticket. |
ticket_number | Service Ticket | Ticket | Number | The ticket number associated with the schedule. |
ticket_resplan_by | Will appear in the audit trail as met or unmet for the corresponding SLA trigger record | Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail | String | The technician who set the "We Have a Plan" SLA stage. |
ticket_responded_by | Will appear in the audit trail as met or unmet for the corresponding SLA trigger record | Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail | String | The technician who initially acknowledged the ticket. |
time_to_acknowledgement_minutes | Will appear in the audit trail as met or unmet for the corresponding SLA trigger record | Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail | Number | The amount of time it took for a ticket to be responded to. |
time_to_resolution_plan_hours | Will appear in the audit trail as met or unmet for the corresponding SLA trigger record | Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail | Number | The amount of time it took for a ticket to go from "Acknowledged" to "In Progress". |
time_to_response_minutes | Will appear in the audit trail as met or unmet for the corresponding SLA trigger record | Service Desk >Ticket > Audit Trail | Number | The amount of time it took for a ticket to be responded to. |
type | Type | Ticket > Ticket tab > Ticket pod | String | The current type associated with the ticket. |
Activity Data
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
activity_number | - | - | Number | The Numerical identifier assigned to the Activity |
agreement | Agreement | Activity > Activity tab > Activity Overview pod | String | The agreement associated with the activity. |
agreement_type | Agreement Type | Agreements > Agreement Tab | String | The type of agreement associated with the activity. |
assigned_by | Assigned By | Activity > Activity tab > Activity Overview pod | String | The name of the member who assigned the activity. |
assigned_to | Assigned To | Activity > Activity tab > Activity Overview pod | String | The name of the member the activity is assigned to. |
closed_flag | Closed Flag | Boolean | Indicates whether the activity has been closed. | |
company | Company | Activity > Activity tab > Activity Overview pod | String | The name of the company the activity is for. |
contact | Contact | Activity > Activity tab > Activity Overview pod | String | The primary contact from the company. |
date_closed | Activity > Activity tab > Audit Trail | DateTime | The date the activity was closed. | |
date_entered | Activity > Activity tab > Audit Trail | DateTime | The date the activity was entered. | |
date_scheduled | Due date | Activity > Activity tab | Date | The date the activity was scheduled. |
end_time | End Time | Activity > Activity tab > Schedule pod | DateTime | The scheduled activity end time. |
hours_actual | ?Hours Actual sort of not visible as a sum | Activity > Activity tab >time tab | Number | The number of hours logged on the activity. |
hours_scheduled | ?All hours technically not visible | Activity > Activity tab > scheduled | Number | The number of hours scheduled on the activity. |
id | - | - | String | The row identifier for the dataset |
last_update | updated | Activity > Activity tab > History | DateTime | The date the activity was last updated. |
location | Location | Setup Tables > board details > location | String | Location is reference to the ticket board the activity is attached to |
marketing_campaign | campaign | Activity > Activity tab | String | The marketing campaign associated with the activity. |
notes | Notes | Activity > Activity tab > Notes pod | String | Notes made to the activity |
opportunity | Opportunity | Activity > Activity tab > Activity Overview pod | String | The opportunity associated with the activity. |
opportunity_number | Activity > Activity tab > Activity Overview pod | Number | The opportunity number of the opportunity associated with the activity. | |
opportunity_recid | Number | The recid of the opportunity associated with the activity. | ||
opportunity_status | String | The status of the opportunity associated with the activity. | ||
points | Number | Any points assigned to the activity | ||
scheduled_technician | String | Scheduled Technician on the activity | ||
sch_id | Number | The Numerical identifier assigned to the schedule | ||
so_activity_recid | Number | sales order activity record identifier | ||
start_time | Start Time | Activity > Activity tab > Schedule pod | DateTime | The scheduled activity start time. |
status | Status | Activity > Activity tab > Activity Overview pod | String | The activity status. |
subject | String | Activity title. | ||
ticket | Ticket | Activity > Activity tab > Activity Overview pod | Number | Ticket # the activity is attached to |
type | Type | Activity > Activity tab > Activity Overview pod | String | The activity type. |
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
agreement_covers_expenses_flag | Expense checkbox | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Boolean | Indicates if the agreement covers expenses. |
agreement_covers_list | String | |||
agreement_covers_products_flag | Products checkbox | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Boolean | Indicates if the agreement covers products. |
agreement_covers_time_flag | Time checkbox | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Boolean | Indicates if the agreement covers time. |
agreement_date_cancel | DateTime | Date the agreement was canceled | ||
agreement_name | Agreement Name | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | String | The name of the agreement. |
agreement_status | Agreement Status | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement Recap pod | String | The agreement status. |
agreement_type | Agreement Type | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | String | The agreement type. |
application_carryover_allowed | Boolean | Indicates that any unused amount, hours, or incidents carry over to the next application time period. | ||
application_carryover_expires_days | Expires In | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Number | The number of days after the agreement expiration date that the carryover expires. |
application_limit | Application Limit | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Number | The maximum amount of dollars, hours, or incidents provided by the agreement over the selected term. |
application_overrun_limit | Limit | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Number | The application overrun percentage limit. |
application_unit | Application Units | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | String | The unit by which service calls are applied against the contract (Amount, Hours, Incidents). |
application_unlimited_flag | Unlimited checkbox | Agreement > Agreement tab | Boolean | Indicates that no maximum applies to the application limit. |
balance_available | Number | Current balance available against the agreement | ||
billing_amount | Billing Amount | Agreement > Agreement tab > Recurring Invoice Parameters pod | Number | The amount to be invoiced for the agreement each billing cycle. |
billing_cycle | Billing Cycle | Agreement > Agreement tab > Recurring Invoice Parameters pod | String | The billing cycle for the agreement. |
billing_terms | String | The billing terms assigned to the agreement. | ||
business_group | String | Business Group assigned against the company with the agreement | ||
cancelled_flag | Cancel checkbox | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | Boolean | Indicates that this agreement is canceled. |
cancel_reason | Cancellation Reason | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | String | The reason the agreement was canceled. |
child_addition_cost | Number | Total cost of additions attached to the child agreements | ||
child_agreements | String | The child agreements attached to the parent agreement | ||
child_agreement_types | String | The types associated to the child agreements | ||
child_agreement_margin | Number | The child agreement margins summed and associated to the parent agreement. | ||
child_billing_amount | Number | The child Agreement billing amount | ||
child_ehr | Number | The child agreements effective hourly rate | ||
child_no_addition_ehr | Number | The child agreements effective hourly rate minus additions from being factored in. | ||
child_revenue | Number | The revenue on all child agreements attached to the parent. | ||
company_and_agreement | String | Mashup of the company name and the agreement name. | ||
company_and_agreement_strong | String | Mashup of the company name and the agreement name. | ||
company_name | Company | Agreement > Agreement tab > Company pod | String | The name of the company associated with the agreement. |
date_end | End Date | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | DateTime | The agreement end date. |
date_start | Start Date | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | DateTime | The agreement start date. |
has_child_agreement | Boolean | A flag checking ifan agreement has child agreements attached to it | ||
id | Number | Row identifier for the dataset | ||
last_agreement_invoice_date | Last Invoice Date | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement Recap pod | DateTime | The date of the last agreement invoice created for this agreement. |
last_update | DateTime | The date the agreement was last updated. | ||
location | Location | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | String | The location the agreement is assigned to. |
number_of_child_agreements | Number | Number of child agreements attached to the parent | ||
number_of_cycles | Number | *Number of agreement cylces that have passed | ||
parent_agreement_margin | Number | Margin on the parent agreement | ||
parent_billing_amount | Number | Parent agreements billing amount. | ||
parent_ehr | Number | Parent agreements effective hourly rate. | ||
parent_no_addition_ehr | Number | Parent agreements effective hourly rate minus additions. | ||
parent_revenue | Number | Parent agreements revenue. | ||
parent_addition_cost | Number | Cost of all additions rolled up against the parent agreement. | ||
sla_name | SLA | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | String | The SLA for the agreement. |
total_addition_cost | Number | Total addition cost of the parent and child agreements | ||
total_agreement_amount_billed | Number | Total Agreement amount billed of the child and parent agreement | ||
total_agreement_hours | Number | Total agreement hours of the child and parent agreement | ||
total_agreement_hours_cost | Number | Total hour cost of the child and parent agreement | ||
total_agreement_margin | Number | Total margin for the parent and child agreement | ||
total_cost | Number | Total cost against an agreement with child agreement values rolled into the parent. | ||
total_ehr | Number | Total effective hourly rate against an agreement with child agreement values rolled into the parent. | ||
total_no_addition_ehr | Number | Total effective hourly rate with out additions included against an agreement with child agreement values rolled into the parent. | ||
total_revenue | Number | Total revenue against an agreement with the child rolled into the parent. | ||
updated_by | String | Who last updated the agreement. | ||
valid_flag | Boolean | Valid flag on an agreement. |
Agreement Data Monthly
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
agreement_covers_expenses_flag | Expense checkbox | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Boolean | Indicates if the agreement covers expenses. |
agreement_covers_list | String | Indicates if the agreement covers expenses. | ||
agreement_covers_products_flag | Products checkbox | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Boolean | Indicates if the agreement covers products. |
agreement_covers_time_flag | Time checkbox | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Boolean | Indicates if the agreement covers time. |
agreement_date_cancel | DateTime | The date the agreement was cancelled. | ||
agreement_name | Agreement Name | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | String | The agreement name. |
agreement_status | Agreement Status | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement Recap pod | String | The agreement status. |
agreement_type | Agreement Type | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | String | The agreement type. |
application_carryover_allowed | Carryover Unused | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Boolean | Indicates that any unused amount, hours, or incidents carry over to the next application time period. |
application_carryover_expires_days | Expires In | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Number | The number of days past the expiration date the carryover can be used. |
application_limit | Application Limit | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Number | The maximum amount of dollars, hours, or incidents provided by the agreement over the selected term. |
application_overrun_limit | Limit | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | Number | The overrun percentage limit. |
application_unit | Application Units | Agreement > Agreement tab > Application Parameters pod | String | The unit by which service calls are applied against the contract (Amount, Hours, Incidents). |
application_unlimited_flag | Unlimited checkbox | Agreement > Agreement tab | Boolean | Indicates that no maximum applies to the application limit. |
balance_available | Number | The remaining balance available for the current application limit on the agreement. | ||
billing_amount | Billing Amount | Agreement > Agreement tab > Recurring Invoice Parameters pod | Number | The amount to be invoiced for the agreement each billing cycle. |
billing_cycle | Billing Cycle | Agreement > Agreement tab > Recurring Invoice Parameters pod | String | The billing cycle for the agreement. |
business_group | String | The business group attached to the company. | ||
cancelled_flag | Cancel checkbox | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | Boolean | Indicates if the agreement is canceled. |
cancel_reason | String | The reason the agreement was cancelled. | ||
child_addition_cost | Number | This is the sum of addition cost of the child agreement. | ||
child_agreements | String |
The name of the child agreement. |
child_agreement_types | String | The type of the child agreement. | ||
child_all_ehr | Number | The effective hourly rate of the child agreement. | ||
child_hours | Number | The actual hours on the child agreement. | ||
child_labor_cost | Number | The labor cost of on the child agreement. | ||
child_no_addition_cost_ehr | Number | The effective hourly rate of the agreement without the addition cost included. | ||
child_revenue | Number | Total revenue on the child agreement. | ||
company_and_agreement | String | A mashup of the company name and the agreement name. | ||
company_name | Company | Agreement > Agreement tab > Company pod | String | The name of the company the agreement is associated with. |
date_agreement_invoiced | DateTime | The date the agreement was invoiced. | ||
date_end | End Date | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | DateTime | The agreement end date. |
date_start | Start Date | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | DateTime | The agreement start date. |
department | String | The department for the agreement. | ||
id | String | The record identifier for the dataset. | ||
last_update | DateTime | The date the agreement was last updated. | ||
location | Location | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | String | The location of the agreement. |
no_end_flag | No End Date | Agreement > Agreement tab > Agreement pod | String | Indicates that the agreement has no end date. |
number_of_child_agreements | Number | The number of child agreements attached to the parent. | ||
number_of_cycles | Number | The number of cycles the agreement has been through. | ||
parent_addition_cost | Number | The total cost of additons on the parent agreement. | ||
parent_all_ehr | Number | The effective hourly rate of the parent agreement. | ||
parent_hours | Number | The actual hour of the parent agreement. | ||
parent_labor_cost | Number | The labor cost on the parent agreement. | ||
parent_no_addition_cost_ehr | Number | The effective hourly rate without the addition cost on the parent agreement. | ||
parent_revenue | Number | The total revenue on the parent agreements. | ||
total_addition_cost | Number | The total cost of additions with the children wrapped into the parent. | ||
total_agreement_hours | Number | The total actual hours against the agreement with the childredn wrapped into the parent. | ||
total_agreement_margin | Number | It's the profit margin of the agreement with the child revenue and cost wrapped into the parent. | ||
total_agreement_margin_percentage | Number | The margin percent of the agreement with the child revenue and cost wrapped into the parent. | ||
total_all_ehr | Number | The total effective hourly rate of the agreement with values of the child wrapped into the parent. | ||
total_cost | Number | The total cost on the agreement with values of the child wrapped into the parent. | ||
total_labor_cost | Number | The total cost of labor on the agreement with values of the child wrapped into the parent. | ||
total_no_addition_cost_ehr | Number | The effective hourly rate without the addition cost on the agreement with the child wrapped into the parent. | ||
total_revenue | Number | The total revenue on the agreement with values of the child wrapped into the parent. | ||
updated_by | String | The person who last updated the agreement. | ||
valid_flag | Boolean | The valid flag on the agreement. |
Assigned Resources Last 210 Days
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
acknowledgement_date | DateTime | The first response date for the ticket. | ||
age_days | Number | The total number of days a ticket has been open. | ||
agreement_status | String | The current status of the agreement. | ||
agreement_type | String | The type associated with the agreement that the ticket is associated with. | ||
assigned_resource | String | The full name of the resource associated with the schedule. | ||
board | String | The current board that the ticket is associated with. | ||
closed_flag | Boolean | A flag that dictates whether a ticket is open or closed based on the date_closed. | ||
company_id | String | The ID of the company that submitted the ticket. | ||
company_name | String | The company that submitted the ticket. | ||
customer_updated | String | A flag that denotes whether or not a customer has updated a ticket. | ||
date_closed | DateTime | The date a ticket was closed. | ||
date_last_updated | DateTime | The date a ticket was last updated. | ||
date_opened | DateTime | The date a ticket was opened. | ||
hours_actual | Number | The actual hours worked on the schedule. | ||
hours_scheduled | Number | The number hours scheduled on the ticket. | ||
id | Number | The schedule_recid associated with the schedule. | ||
member_id | String | The member ID of the resource associated with the schedule. | ||
metresolutionsla | String | Denotes whether or not a ticket has met the Resolution SLA. | ||
metresplansla | String | Denotes whether or not a ticket has met the Resolution Plan SLA. | ||
metresponsesla | String | Denotes whether or not a ticket has met the Response SLA. | ||
priority | String | The set priority of the ticket. | ||
project_manager | String | The manager associated with the project that is tied to the schedule. | ||
project_name | String | The name of the project. | ||
project_number | Number | The project number tied to the project. | ||
project_number_name_and_phase | String | The project number, name, and phase. | ||
project_phase | String | The phase that the project is currently in. | ||
project_status | String | The current status of the project. | ||
project_type | String | The type associated with the project. | ||
resolution_date | DateTime | The date a ticket was resolved. | ||
resolution_plan_date | DateTime | The date that the ticket entered the SLA stage "We Have a Plan". | ||
resolved_flag | Boolean | Denotes whether or not a ticket is resolved. | ||
response_date | DateTime | The first response date for the ticket. | ||
schedule_acknowledged_date | DateTime | The date a scheduled was acknowledged. | ||
schedule_acknowledgement_flag | Boolean | Denotes whether or not a schedule was acknowledged. | ||
schedule_close_flag | Boolean | Denotes whether or not the schedule is closed. | ||
scheduled_date_end | DateTime | The scheduled end date for the ticket tied to the schedule. | ||
scheduled_date_start | DateTime | The scheduled start date for the ticket tied to the schedule. | ||
schedule_entered | DateTime | The date a schedule was entered in Connectwise. | ||
status | String | The current status associated with the ticket. | ||
sub_type | String | The current subtype associated with the ticket. | ||
summary | String | The summary tied to the ticket. | ||
ticket_closed_by | String | The technician that closed the ticket. | ||
ticket_number | Number | The ticket number that is associated with the schedule. | ||
ticket_resolved_by | String | The technician that resolved the ticket. | ||
time_to_acknowledgement_minutes | Number | The amount of time it took for a ticket to be responded to. | ||
time_to_resolution_hours | Number | The amount of time it took for a ticket to be resolved. | ||
time_to_resolution_plan_hours | Number | The amount of time it took for a ticket to go from "Acknowledged" to "In Progress". | ||
time_to_response_minutes | Number | The amount of time it took for a ticket to be responded to. | ||
type | String | The current type associated with the ticket. |
Company Data
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
account_number | String | Account number associated to the Company. | ||
annual_revenue | Annual Revenue | Company > Profile tab > Profile Overview pod | Number | The company's annual revenue. |
billable_flag | Boolean | Billable Flag against the company. | ||
billing_terms | String | Billing terms on the company. | ||
company_name | Company | Company > Company tab > Company pod | String | The company name. |
company_team_ids | String | The Id for the teams attached to the company. | ||
company_team_names | String | String of the teams and roles which have been assigned to the company. | ||
contact | Name | Company > Company tab > Primary Contact pod | String | The name of the primary contact for the company. |
currency | Currency | Company Finance > Summary tab > Finance Details pod | String | The currency setting for invoicing. |
date_acquired | DateTime | Date the company was acquired. | ||
date_entered | Entered | Company list view | DateTime | The date the company was entered into PSA. |
Company > Company tab > Primary Contact pod | String | The email address for the primary contact. | ||
id | Number | The identifier for the dataset records. | ||
internal_location | String | Also referred to as the company territory. | ||
last_update | Last Update | Company list view | DateTime | The date the company was last updated. |
lead_flag | Is this company a lead? | Company > Profile tab > Profile Overview pod | Boolean | Indicates if the company is a lead. |
lead_source | Source List | Company > Profile tab > Profile Overview pod | String | The source of where the Company information came from (a third party marketing firm, Internet leads, etc.). |
market | Market | Company > Company tab > Company Details pod | String | The segment of the company's market classification (for example, healthcare, education, government, etc.). |
number_of_employees | Employees | Company > Profile tab > Profile Overview pod | Number | The number of employees within the company. |
parent_company | Parent Company | Company > Profile tab > Profile Overview pod | String | The parent company. |
parent_flag | Boolean | A flag for if the company is considered the parent of another company. | ||
phone_number | Phone | Company > Company tab > Company pod | String | The default company phone number. |
revenue_year | Revenue Year | Company > Profile tab > Profile Overview pod | Number | The year that applies to the revenue amount entered in the Annual Revenue field. |
status | Status | Company > Company tab > Company Details pod | String | The company status. |
tax_code | Tax Code | Company Finance > Summary tab > Finance Details pod | String | The default tax code for the company. |
type | Type | Company > Company tab > Company Details pod | String | The type of company (e.g., client, prospect, former client). |
unsubscribe_flag | Boolean | The unsubscribe flag. | ||
updated_by | Updated By | Company list view | String | The name of the member who last updated the company data. |
vendor_nbr | Vendor ID | Company Finance > Summary tab > Finance Details pod | String | The vendor ID for the Purchasing and Inventory add-on modules. |
website | Web Site | Company > Company tab > Company pod | String | The company website address. |
Configuration Data
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
address_line1 | String | Address line on the configuration. | ||
address_line2 | String | Second address line on the configuration if applicable. | ||
city | String | City attached to the configuration. | ||
company_name | Company | Configuration > Configuration tab > Company pod | String | The name of the company the configuration is associated with. |
config_name | Configuration Name | Configuration Name | String | The configuration name. |
configstatus | Status | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Details pod | String | The status of the configuration. |
config_type | Type | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Details pod | String | The configuration type. |
contact_name | Contact | Configuration > Configuration tab > Company pod | String | The primary contact for the configuration company. |
date_expiration | Expiration Date | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Details pod | DateTime | The date for the configuration to expire. |
date_installed | Installed Date | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Details pod | DateTime | The date the configuration item was installed. |
date_purchased | Purchase Date | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Details pod | DateTime | The date the product configuration item purchased. |
deviceid | String | The identifier assigned to the device. | ||
id | Number | The record identifier of the dataset. | ||
installedby | Installed By | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Details pod | String | The person who installed the configuration. |
lastlogin | String | The person who last logged into the configuration | ||
last_update | DateTime | The date the configuration was last updated. | ||
location | Location | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Details pod | String | The default location listed on the Member Screen. |
manufacturer | Manufacturer | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Details pod | String | The manufacturer of the configuration item, if applicable. |
mgmtlink | String | Empty | ||
model_number | Model Number | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Details pod | String | The model number of the configuration item, if applicable. |
postalcode | String | The postal code assigned to the configuration. | ||
serial_number | Serial Number | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Details pod | String | The serial number of the configuration item, if applicable. |
state | String | The state assigned to the configuration. | ||
tag_number | Tag Number | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Details pod | String | The tag number assigned to the configuration. |
updated_by | String | The last person to update the configuration. |
Configuration Questions and Answers
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
address_line1 | String | Address line on the configuration. | ||
address_line2 | String | Second address line on the configuration if applicable. | ||
answer | Configuration Questions | Configuration > Configuration tab > Configuration Questions pod | String | The answers to the questions attached to the configurations. |
city | String | City attached to the configuration. | ||
company_id | String | The company idea attached to the configuration. | ||
company_name | String | The name of the company the configuration is associated with. | ||
company_status | String | The status of the company attched to the configuration. | ||
company_type | String | The type assigned to the company to which the configuration is attached. | ||
config_name | String | Name of the configuration. | ||
config_recid | Number | The record identifier of the configuration inside of the database. | ||
configstatus | String | The configuration current status. | ||
config_type | String | The type assigned to the configuration. | ||
contact_name | String | The contact name assigned to the configuration. | ||
date_expiration | DateTime | The expiration dated assigned to the configuration. | ||
date_installed | DateTime | The installation date posted assigned to the configuration. | ||
date_purchased | DateTime | The date the configuration was purchased. | ||
deviceid | String | The id assigned to the configuration. | ||
id | String | The record identifier of the dataset. | ||
installed_by | String | The person who installed the configuration. | ||
lastlogin | String | The last person to login to the configuration. | ||
last_update | DateTime | The last person to update the configuration. | ||
manufacturer | String | The manufacturer listed for the configuration. | ||
mgmtlink | String | Empty | ||
model_number | String | The model number of the device. | ||
number_and_question | String | This is both the number and the question assigned to the configuration. | ||
postalcode | String | The postal code of the company site assigned to the configuration. | ||
question | Question | Setup Tables > Configuration List > Configuration | String | The configuration question. |
question_and_number | Number | Configuration question and the number assigned to the question. | ||
serial_number | String | The serial number of the device. | ||
state | String | The state of the company site assigned to the configuration. | ||
tag_number | String | The tag number of the device. | ||
territory | String | The territory of the company for which the configuration is attached. | ||
updated_by | String | The last person to update the configuration. |
Contact Data
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
address_line1 | Address Line 1 | Contact search > Address Line 1 column | String | The street address associated with the contact. |
address_line2 | Address Line 2 | Contact search > Address Line 2 column | String | The street address associated with the contact. |
billing_flag | Boolean | The billing flag on the contact. | ||
birthday | Birthday | Contact > Profile tab > Profile pod | DateTime | The contact's birthday. |
city | City | Contact search > City column | String | The name of the city the contact's company resides in. |
company_id | Company ID | Contact search > Company ID column | String | The company ID associated with the contact's company. |
company_name | Company | Contact > Contact Overview pod | String | The name of the company the contact is associated with. |
company_status | Company Status | Contact search > Company Status column | String | The status of the company the contact is associated with. |
company_type | Company Type | Contact search > Company Type column | String | The type of company the contact is associated with. |
contact_full_name | String | The full name of the contact. | ||
contact_type | Type | Contact search > Type column | String | The contact type. |
country | Country | Contact search > Country column | String | The contact's country. |
date_anniversary | Anniversary Date | Contact > Profile tab > Profile pod | Date | The contact's anniversary date. |
date_entered | Entered | Contact search > Entered column | DateTime | The date the contact's information was entered into PSA. |
department | Department | Contact > Contact Overview pod | String | The contact's department. |
email_address | Contact > Contact Overview pod | String | The contact's email address. | |
gender | Gender | Contact > Profile tab > Profile pod | String | The contact's gender. |
id | Number | The record identifier for the dataset. | ||
last_update | DateTime | The date the contact was last updated. | ||
nickname | Nickname | Contact > Profile tab > Profile pod | String | The contact's nickname. |
number_of_employees | Number | The number of employees. | ||
phone_number | Phone | Contact search > Phone Number column | String | The contact's phone number. |
relationship | Relationship | Contact > Contact Details pod | String | The contact's relationship to your company. |
state | State | Contact search > State column | String | The state the contact's company resides in. |
territory | Territory | Contact search > Territory column | String | The territory the contact is associated with. |
title | Title | Contact > Contact Overview pod | String | The contact's title. |
unsubscribe_flag | Unsubscribed | Contact > Groups tab | Boolean | Indicates whether the contact is subscribed or unsubscribed from the group. |
updated_by | String | The last person to update the contact. | ||
zip_code | Zip Code | Contact search > Zip Code column | String | The five-digit ZIP code associated with the company. |
Invoice Data
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
adj_amount | Service Adjustment Amount | Invoice > Invoice tab > Calculations pod | Number | The adjustment amount applied to the invoice. |
aging | Number | If the invoice has been paid then it will give us the time in days between the date invoiced and the date paid. if it has not been paid it gives the time between the date invoiced and the current time. | ||
aging_status | String | If the invoice has not been paid then it's going to break our aging field into 30 day increments. | ||
agr_amount | Total Agreement Amount | Invoicing > Agreement Invoicing tab | Number | The amount covered by the agreement. |
agreement_name | Agreement Name | Invoicing > Agreement Invoicing tab | String | The name of the agreement associated with the invoice. |
agr_hours | Number | The agreement hours posted to the invoice. | ||
billing_terms | Billing Terms | Invoice > Invoice tab > Invoice pod | String | The billing terms applied to the invoice. |
city | String | The city of the company posted on the invoice. | ||
closed_flag | Boolean | Indicates if the invoice is closed. | ||
company_name | String | The name of the company listed on the invoice. | ||
date_closed | DateTime | The date the invoice was closed. | ||
date_created | DateTime | The date the invoice was created. | ||
date_invoice | Invoice Date | Invoice > Invoice tab > Invoice pod | DateTime | The invoice date. |
date_paid | Date Paid | Invoice Search > Invoice List | DateTime | The date the invoice was paid. |
downpayment | Down Payment Amount | Invoice > Invoice tab > Calculations pod | Number | The down payment amount. |
due_date | Due Date | Invoice > Invoice tab > Invoice pod | DateTime | The due date for the invoice. |
expense_amount | Expense Total | Invoice > Invoice tab > Calculations pod | Number | The expense total for the invoice. |
id | Number | The record identifier for the dataset. | ||
invoice_amount | Number | The amount invoiced. | ||
invoice_number | Invoice Number | Invoice > Invoice tab > Invoice pod | String | The invoice number. |
invoice_type | Invoice Type | Invoice > Invoice tab > Invoice pod | String | The invoice type. |
last_update | DateTime | The date the invoice was last updated. | ||
location | Location | Invoice > Invoice tab > Invoice pod | String | The location set on the invoice. |
misc_amount | Number | It's the product amount on the invoice. | ||
paid_amount | Number | The paid amount of the invoice. | ||
po_number | String | The purchase order number for the invoice. | ||
progress_amount_applied | Number | The progress amount applied on the inovice. | ||
reference | Reference | Invoice > Invoice tab > Invoice pod | String | The invoice reference. |
rem_downpayment | Number | The amount remaining of the down payment. | ||
sales_tax_amount | Sales Tax | Invoice > Invoice tab > Calculations pod | Number | The sales tax amount for the invoice. |
sent_flag | Boolean | The sent flag on the invoice. | ||
state_id | String | The state identifier for the company on the invoice. | ||
time_amount | Number | The service amount on the invoice. | ||
zip | String | The zip code for the company for which the invoice is for. |
Member Data
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
billing_unit | String | The billing unit for the member | ||
daily_capacity | Daily Capacity | Member > Details tab | Number | The member's daily working capacity. |
daily_capacity_times_5 | N/A | N/A | Number | The member's daily working capacity times five. |
date_back | Date Back | In/Out Board > Member | Date | The date the member will return to office. |
date_hired | Hire Date | Member > Details tab | DateTime | The date the member was hired. |
date_in_out_last_updated | Last Updated | In/Out Board > Last Updated column | DateTime | members last update for the in and out board. |
default_service_location | Location | Member > Details tab | String | The members default service location. |
default_work_role | Work Role | Member > Details tab | String | The member's default work role. |
Member > Details tab | String | The member's default email address. | ||
first_name | First Name | Member > Details tab | String | The member's first name. |
hourly_rate | Hourly Rate | Member > Details tab | Number | The member's hourly rate. |
hours_since_last_time_entry | Number | Number of hours the have past since the members last time entry. | ||
id | Number | The identifier for the datasets records. | ||
in_out | String | The in and out flag for the memeber. | ||
in_out_additional | Additional Info | In/Out Board > Member | String | Any additional information entered on the member's In/Out board. |
last_name | Last Name | Member > Details tab | String | The member's last name. |
last_time_entry | DateTime | Date of the last time entry made by the member | ||
last_updated | DateTime | Last time the members settings where updated. | ||
location | Location | Member > Details tab | String | The member's work location. |
member_id | Member ID | Member > Details tab | String | The member ID for the member. |
member_name | String | Member Name | ||
member_type | Type | Member > Details tab | String | Member Type |
minimum_hours_daily | Minimum Hours | Member > Details tab | Number | The minimum number of hours the employee is required to work a day. |
out_flag | Out of Office | In/Out Board > Member | Boolean | Indicates that the member is out of office. |
reports_to | Reports To | Member > Details tab | String | The name of the member's supervisor. |
role | String | The member's role. | ||
title | Title | Member > Details tab | String | The member's title. |
Opportunity Data
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
agreement_cost | Number | The agreement cost associated for the opportunity which it is attached to. | ||
agreement_revenue | Number | The agreement revenue associated to the opportunity which it is attached to. | ||
agreement_type | Number | The type of agreement associated to the opportunity it is attached to. | ||
business_unit | String | The business unit associated with the sales rep assigned to this opportunity. | ||
campaign | Campaign | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Opportunity pod | String | The marketing campaign associated with the opportunity. |
closed_by | String | Who closed the opportunity. | ||
closed_flag | Boolean | A Flag denoting if the opportunity is closed. | ||
closed_status | String | The current closed status of the opportnity. | ||
company_name | Company | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Company pod | String | The company associated with the opportunity. |
contact_name | Contact | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Company pod | String | The primary contact associated with the opportunity. |
customerpo | Customer PO# | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Company pod | String | The customer's purchase order number. |
date_became_lead | DateTime | The date the opportnity was created. | ||
date_closed | Close Date | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Opportunity pod | DateTime | The date the opportunity was closed. |
description | String | The title description of the opportunity. | ||
entered_by | String | Who entered the opportunity. | ||
expected_close_date | DateTime | The dated the opportunity was expected to be closed. | ||
forecast | String | Flag for if the opportunity has a forcast. | ||
id | Number | The identifier for the dataset records. | ||
last_update | DateTime | The date the opportunity was last updated. | ||
location | Location | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Opportunity pod | String | The location associated with the sales rep assigned to the opportunity. |
lost_flag | Boolean | Indicates if the opportunity was lost. | ||
opportunity_name | Summary | Opportunity > Opportunity tab | String | The name of the opportunity. |
opportunity_recid | Number | The record identifier for the opportunity in the database. | ||
other1_cost | Cost | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The cost of the Other-1 line item. |
other1_gm | Margin | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The difference between the Other-1 Cost and the Other-1 Revenue. |
other1_gm_percent | Percent | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The Other-1 Margin divided by the Other-1 Revenue times 100. |
other1_revenue | Revenue | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The revenue for the Other-1 line item. |
other2_cost | Cost | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The cost of the Other-2 line item. |
other2_gm | Margin | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The difference between the Other-2 Cost and the Other-2 Revenue. |
other2_gm_percent | Percent | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The Other-2 Margin divided by the Other-2 Revenue times 100. |
other2_revenue | Revenue | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The revenue for the Other-2 line item. |
probability | Probability | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Opportunity pod | Number | The opportunity's probability percentage based on the opportunity's sales stage. |
product_cost | Cost | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The sum of the unit cost for all products. |
product_gm | Margin | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The difference between the Product Total Cost and the Product Total Revenue. |
product_gm_percent | Percent | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The Total Margin divided by the Total Revenue times 100. |
product_revenue | Revenue | Opportunity > Finance tab > Forecast pod | Number | The sum of the Cost and the Margin. |
rating | Rating | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Opportunity pod | String | The rating assigned to the opportunity. |
referral_flag | Number | Flag for if the opportunity was a referral. | ||
sales_rep1_fullname | Sales Rep | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Opportunity pod | String | The full name of the sales rep assigned to the opportunity. |
sales_rep2_fullname | Secondary Salesperson | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Opportunity pod | String | The full name of the secondary sales rep assigned to the opportunity. |
sales_stage | Stage | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Opportunity pod | String | The current sales stage of the opportunity. |
service_cost | Number | Service cost associated to the opportunity. | ||
service_gm | Number | The service gross margine associated to the opportunity. | ||
service_gm_percent | Number | The service gross margine percent associated to the opportunity. | ||
service_revenue | Number | The service revenue associated with the opportunity. | ||
status | Status | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Opportunity pod | String | The status of the opportunity. |
total_cost | Cost | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Forecast pod | Number | The total estimated cost for the opportunity. |
total_gm | Margin | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Forecast pod | Number | The total estimated margin for the opportunity. |
total_gm_percent | Percent | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Forecast pod | Number | The total estimated margin percentage for the opportunity. |
total_revenue | Revenue | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Forecast pod | Number | The total estimated revenue for the opportunity. |
type | Type | Opportunity > Opportunity tab > Opportunity pod | String | The opportunity type. |
updated_by | String | Who last updated the opportunity. | ||
won_flag | Boolean | Indicates if the opportunity was won. |
Product Data
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
agr_amount_covered | Number | The product amount covered by the agreement. | ||
agreement_name | Agreement Name | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > References pod | String | The name of the agreement the product is associated with. |
billable_amt | Bill | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > References pod | Number | The bill amount. |
billable_flag | Boolean | True or False billable flag on the product. | ||
business_group | String | |||
charge_to | String | Who the product is set to be charged towards. | ||
company_name | Company Name | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > References pod | String | The name of the company the product is associated with. |
date_entered | DateTime | The date the product was entered into PSA. | ||
date_invoiced | Date | Date the product was invoiced. | ||
extended_cost | Ext Cost | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > References pod | Number | The extended price. |
extended_price_amount | Number | The price of the singular product multiplied against the quantity of the product sold. | ||
id | Number | Identifier for the records on the dataset. | ||
invoiced_flag | Boolean | Indicates if the product was invoiced. | ||
invoice_number | String | Invoice number related to the invoice attached to the product. | ||
iv_item_recid | Number | The item record identifier related to the product. | ||
line_description | String | The line description for the product. | ||
location | String | The location attached to the company to which the product was sent to. | ||
nonbillable_amt | Number | The non billable amount associated to the product. | ||
opportunity_name | String | The name of the opportunity which the product is attached to. | ||
opportunity_recid | Number | The record identifier for the opportunity in the database. | ||
pm_project_recid | Number | The record identifier for the project in the database. | ||
product | String | The name of the product. | ||
product_category | Category | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > Product Overview pod | String | The product category. |
product_description | String | The description of the product. | ||
product_last_update | DateTime | The date the product was last updated. | ||
product_subcategory | Subategory | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > Product Overview pod | String | The subcategory or group of the product. |
product_name | String | The name of the product. | ||
quantity | Quantity | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > References pod | Number | The number of products involved on the referenced item. |
quantity_picked | Qty Picked | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > References pod | Number | The number of products picked for the purchase order. |
quantity_picked_extended_cost | Number | The picked product cost multiplied against the total quantity picked. | ||
quantity_shipped | Qty Shipped | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > References pod | Number | The number of products that have been shipped. |
quantity_shipped_extended_cost | Number | The cost of the product shipped multiplied against the product quantity shipped. | ||
serial_number | Serial Number | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > References pod | String | The serial number of the reference product. |
territory | String | The territory associated to the company to which the product is attached. | ||
ticket_number | Ticket # | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > References pod | Number | The service ticket number of the reference. |
ticket_status | String | The status of the ticket which is attached to the product. | ||
ticket_summary | String | The title of the ticket which is attached to the product. | ||
time_status | String | The product status. | ||
unit_cost | Unit Cost | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > Product Overview pod | String | The cost of the product. |
unit_of_measurement | String | Empty | ||
unit_price | Unit Price | Product Catalog > Product Setup > Product > Product Overview pod | Number | The charge price for the product. |
updated_by | String | Who last updated the product. |
Project Phase and Tickets Last 210 Days
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
actual_percent_of_budget | Number | Shows actual hours divided by the budgeted hours. If the budget hours is Null or 0, it shows a Null percentage. This is a decimal value, but you can format it as a percent. | ||
age | Number | How long a ticket has been open in days. If the ticket is resolved, it shows days between opened and closed. If it is open, it shows the days between being opened and now. | ||
agreement_name | String | The name of the agreement that the ticket is tied to. | ||
board | String | The ticket board that this project lives on. This only shows project boards on this dataset. | ||
closed_flag | Boolean | Indicates whether a ticket is open or closed. If there is no date_closed on the ticket, it shows as open. | ||
company_id | String | Short identifier for a company within PSA. | ||
company_name | String | The name of the company that this ticket is tied to. | ||
contact | String | The client or internal contact who entered this ticket. | ||
customer_responded | String | Indicates whether the last action on a ticket was a customer response. | ||
date_closed | DateTime | The date/time that the project ticket was set to a closed status. | ||
date_last_updated | DateTime | The date/time that the project ticket was last updated. Any ticket action that appears in the audit trail will trigger this. | ||
date_opened | DateTime | The date/time that the project ticket was entered into the system. | ||
date_required | DateTime | The date/time set as the due date for the project ticket. | ||
hours_actual | Number | The total sum of hours worked against the specific project ticket. Use the decimal formatting option under the Design tab to show additional decimal values for a more granular look. | ||
hours_agreement | Number | The total sum of hours worked against a project ticket tied to an agreement. This rounds to the minimal billing unit. | ||
hours_billable | Number | The total sum of billable hours on the ticket. This rounds to the minimal billing unit. For a non-rounded value of billable hours on project tickets, use the Time Entry datasets. | ||
hours_budget | Number | The total amount of hours budgeted to this project ticket. Can be seen in the project/phase workplan. | ||
hours_invoiced | Number | The total sum of invoiced hours on the ticket. This rounds to the minimal nilling unit. Time must already be invoiced for this to not appear as Null. For a non-rounded value of billable hours on project tickets, use the Time Entry datasets. | ||
hours_nonbillable | Number | The total sum of non-billable hours on the ticket. This rounds to the minimal nilling unit. For a non-rounded value of non-billable hours on project tickets, use the Time Entry datasets. | ||
hours_remaining | Number | Shows Budget Hours minus Actual Hours to note how many hours from the budget are still available. Shows a negative value for over-budget tickets. | ||
hours_scheduled | Number | The total sum of hours tied to schedule assignments on this project ticket. | ||
id | String | The unique identifier in this dataset is made up by the phase ID and the ticket number. | ||
impact | String | Impact. | ||
is_assigned | String | Looks at open schedules on a project ticket. If there is an open schedule tied to the ticket, this flag shows as true. | ||
location | String | Location of the company for which the project ticket is attached to. | ||
metresolutionsla | String | Indicates whether this project ticket met its Resolution SLA. | ||
metresplansla | String | Indicates whether this project ticket met its Resplan SLA. | ||
metresponsesla | String | Indicates whether this project ticket met its Response SLA. | ||
opportunity | String | The name of the opportunity that this ticket is tied to. | ||
over_budget_flag | Boolean | Indicates whether the hours remaining on a ticket have gone into the negative. This uses the Actual Hours and Budget Hours to make this distinction. Set to 'True' to view all tickets that have gone over-budget. | ||
phase_closed_flag | Boolean | Indicates whether a project phase is open or closed. | ||
phase_id | Number | The ID of the phase that the project ticket is tied to. | ||
phase_object_order | Number | Empty | ||
phase_status | String | Current status of the phase. Can be used as filtering to look at all phases that are in a specific status. | ||
phase_ticket_order | Number | Empty | ||
phase_wbs | String | Phase Code for a ticket within its project phase | ||
priority | String | The priority set on this project ticket. | ||
project | String | The name of the project that this ticket is tied to. | ||
project_and_phase_order | String | Empty | ||
project_billing_method | String | The billing method for the project. Usually denotes whether a project is to be charged as 'Actual Rates' or 'Fixed Fee'. | ||
project_closed_flag | Boolean | Indicates whether the project is open or closed. | ||
project_end_date | DateTime | The end date for the project. | ||
project_last_updated | DateTime | The date/time that the project was last updated. Any action taken against phases, tickets, or the actual project updates this date. | ||
project_manager | String | The name of the project manager. | ||
project_number_and_name | String | A mashup of the project number and name. | ||
project_owner | String | The name of the project owner. | ||
project_phase | String | The name of the project phase that this ticket is under. | ||
project_start_date | DateTime | The start date of the project. | ||
project_status | String | Current status of the project. Can be used as filtering to look at all projects that are in a specific status. | ||
project_type | String | The type set to this project. | ||
resolution_date | DateTime | The date/time that the project tickets resolution SLA was completed. Can be seen in the audit trail of the ticket. | ||
resolution_plan_date | DateTime | The date/time that the project tickets resolution plan SLA was completed. Can be seen in the audit trail of the ticket. | ||
resolved_flag | String | Indicates whether this project ticket has passed the resolution SLA. Can be used as filtering when using a 2 step close process. | ||
resource_list | String | List of all members that have open schedules on this project ticket. Use the 'Is Like' filter with wildcards to look for a specific member (e.g., Is Like %memberid%). | ||
response_date | DateTime | The date/time that the project ticket's response SLA was completed. Can be seen in the audit trail of the ticket. | ||
same_day_close | String | Looks at the ticket Date Opened and Date Closed to note whether a ticket was closed on the same day as it came in. | ||
same_day_resolved | String | Looks at the ticket Date Opened and Date Resolved to note whether a ticket was resolved on the same day as it came in. | ||
service_item | String | The service item attached to the project ticket. | ||
severity | String | The severity assigned to the project ticket. | ||
source | String | The source by which the project ticket was opened. | ||
status | String | Current status of the ticket. | ||
subtype | String | The subtype set on the ticket. | ||
summary | String | The ticket summary. | ||
team_name | String | The team name is that's attached to the product. | ||
territory | String | The terriroty attached to the company. | ||
ticket_closed_by | String | Name of the member who closed the project ticket. | ||
ticket_number | String | The ticket number. | ||
ticket_owner | String | The ticket owner. | ||
ticket_resolved_by | String | Name of the member who resolved the ticket. | ||
time_to_resolution_hours | Number | The time to resolution in hours for the project ticket. This is in SLA time. | ||
time_to_resolution_plan_hours | Number | The time to resolution plan in hours for the project ticket. This is in SLA time. | ||
time_to_response_minutes | Number | The time to response in hours for the project ticket. This is in SLA time. | ||
type | String | The ticket type. | ||
use_ticket_budget_flag | Boolean | Flag for if the ticket is using project budget or not. |
Project Data
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
actual_end_date | Actual End Date | Project > Project tab > Project Dashboard pod | DateTime | The date of the last time entry made on the project. |
actual_hours | Actual | Project > Project tab > Project Dashboard pod | Number | The number of hours entered against the project. |
actual_percent_complete | Number | Empty | ||
actual_start_date | Actual Start Date | Project > Project tab > Project Dashboard pod | DateTime | The date the resource first entered time on the project. |
agreement | Agreement | Project > Finance tab > Billing Information for Base Project pod | String | The agreement the project is covered by. |
amount_remaining | Number | The project margin. | ||
amount_unapproved | Number | Billable time that has not been approved. | ||
amount_wip | Number | Unbilled time that has been approved | ||
billable_percent_complete | Number | Billable time percent complete against the budget. | ||
billing_amount_rate | Billing Rate | Project > Finance tab > Billing Rates pod | Number | The billing rate for the project based on Work Role or Staff Member. |
billing_method | Billing Method | Project > Finance tab > Billing Information for Base Project pod | String | The billing method for the project (e.g., Actual Rates, Fixed Fee, Not to Exceed). |
company | Company | Project > Project tab > Contact Overview pod | String | The company the project is associated with. |
contact | Contact | Project > Project tab > Contact Overview pod | String | The primary contact of the company for the project. |
date_project_closed | DateTime | The date the project was closed. | ||
date_project_entered | DateTime | The date the project was opened | ||
department | String | The billing unit assigned to the project. | ||
estimated_end_date | Est. End | Project > Project tab > Project Details pod | DateTime | The end date used for reporting and proactively monitoring with workflow rules. |
estimated_hours_finance_tab | Est. Hours | Project > Finance tab > Finance Information pod | Number | The estimated hours for the project. |
estimated_hours_work_plan | Number | |||
estimated_percent_complete | Number | |||
estimated_start_date | Est. Start | Project > Project tab > Project Details pod | DateTime | The start date used for reporting and proactively monitoring with workflow rules. |
expenses_billed | Number | |||
expenses_billed_future | Number | |||
expenses_billed_sent | Number | |||
hours_billed | Number | |||
hours_budget | Est. Hours | Project > Finance tab > Finance Information pod | Number | The estimated number of hours budgeted for the project (requires the Use as Budget checkbox to be selected). |
hours_remaining | Number | The number of hours remaining on the project. | ||
hours_unapproved | Number | |||
hours_wip | Number | |||
id | Number | |||
labor_billed | Number | |||
labor_billed_future | Number | |||
labor_billed_sent | Number | |||
location | Location | Project > Finance tab > Billing Information for Base Project pod | String | The default location of the member creating the project. |
manager | Project Manager | Project > Project tab > Project Details pod | String | The manager for the project. |
opportunity | Opportunity | Project > Finance tab > Billing Information for Base Project pod | String | The opportunity that covers the project. |
product_billed | Number | |||
product_billed_future | Number | |||
product_billed_sent | Number | |||
project | Project Name | Project > Project tab > Project Details pod | String | The name of the project. |
project_board | Project Board | Project > Finance tab > Billing Information for Base Project pod | String | |
project_last_update | DateTime | |||
project_number | Number | |||
project_number_and_name | String | |||
revenue | Number | |||
scheduled_end_date | Scheduled End | Project > Project tab > Project Dashboard pod | DateTime | The date the last ticket of the project is scheduled. |
scheduled_hours | Scheduled | Project > Project tab > Project Dashboard pod | Number | The amount of time a resource has been scheduled. |
scheduled_percent_complete | Number | |||
scheduled_start_date | Scheduled Start | Project > Project tab > Project Dashboard pod | DateTime | The date the first ticket of the project is scheduled. |
status | Status | Project > Project tab > Project Details pod | String | The status of the project. |
total_amount | Number | |||
total_billable_amount | Number | |||
total_billable_hours | Number | |||
total_billed | Number | |||
total_billed_future | Number | |||
total_billed_sent | Number | |||
total_hours | Number | |||
total_no_charge_amount | Number | |||
total_no_charge_hours | Number | |||
total_non_billable_amount | Number | |||
total_non_billable_hours | Number | |||
type | Type | Project > Project tab > Project Details pod | String | The type of project. |
Purchase Orders Last 365 Days
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
billing_terms | String | |||
blling_unit | String | |||
bill_to_company_name | String | |||
closed_by | Closed By | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | String | The resource that closed the purchase order. |
closed_flag | Boolean | Indicates if the purchase order has been closed. | ||
customer_company_name | Company | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Vendor pod | String | |
customer_contact_extension | String | |||
customer_contact_full_name | Contact | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Vendor pod | String | |
customer_contact_phonenbr | String | |||
customer_site_name | Site | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Vendor pod | String | |
date_closed | Closed Date | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | DateTime | The date the purchase order was closed. |
entered_by | Entered By | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | String | The member who created the purchase order. |
freight_cost | Freight Cost | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | Number | The cost of the freight. |
freight_packing_slip | Freight Packing Slip | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | String | The packing slip assigned to the freight cost. |
freight_tax | Freight Tax | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | Number | The freight tax. |
id | Number | |||
internal_co | String | |||
internal_notes | String | |||
items_outstanding_flag | Boolean | |||
last_update | DateTime | |||
number_items_outstanding | Number | |||
number_of_unique_products | Number | |||
po_number | PO Number | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | String | The next available PO number. |
purchase_date | DateTime | |||
purchase_header_recid | Number | |||
received_flag | Boolean | |||
received_products | Number | |||
sales_territory | String | |||
ship_date | Ship Date | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | DateTime | The date the item was received from the vendor. |
shipmethoddescription | String | |||
shipping_instructions | Shipping Instructions | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | String | Any additional shipping instructions entered into PSA. |
status | String | |||
subtotal | Subtotal | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | Number | The subtotal of the product costs on the purchase order. |
tax | Number | |||
total | Total | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | Number | The sum of the Subtotal and Freight Cost fields. |
total_products | Number | |||
tracking_number | Tracking Number | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | String | The tracking number for the purchase order. |
updated_by | String | |||
vendor_company_name | Company | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Vendor pod | String | The vendor the product was purchased from. |
vendor_contact_full_name | Contact | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Vendor pod | String | The primary contact for the vendor company. |
vendor_invoice_date | Vendor Invoice Date | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | DateTime | The invoice date. |
vendor_invoice_number | Vendor Invoice Number | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | String | The invoice number provided by the vendor. |
vendor_order_number | Vendor Order Number | Purchase Order > Purchase tab > Purchase Order pod | String | The order number provided by the vendor when you place the order. |
vendor_phonenbr | String | |||
vendor_site_name | String |
Sales Orders Last 365 Days
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
bill_after_closed_flag | Bill sales order only after it has been closed | Sales Order > Finance tab > Invoicing Options pod | Boolean | Indicates that the sales order will be bill only after it is set to a closed status. |
bill_after_shipped_flag | Bill products only after they ship | Sales Order > Finance tab > Invoicing Options pod | Boolean | Indicates that products associated with the sales order will be billed after they have been shipped. |
billed_flag | Boolean | |||
billing_terms | Bill Terms | Sales Order > Finance tab > Billing Information pod | String | The default billing terms for the company. |
business_unit | String | |||
closed_flag | Boolean | Indicates if the sales order has been closed. | ||
company_name | Company | Sales Order > Order tab > Company pod | String | The company sales order was created for. |
contact | Contact | Sales Order > Order tab > Company pod | String | The contact for the company the sales order was created for. |
cost | Number | |||
created_by | String | |||
date_entered | DateTime | |||
due_date | Due Date | Sales Order > Order tab > Sales Order pod | DateTime | The due date of the sales order. |
id | Number | |||
internal_location | String | |||
invoiced_flag | Boolean | |||
last_update | DateTime | The date the sales order was last updated. | ||
margin | Number | |||
number_of_distinct_attached_products | Number | |||
opportunity_name | Opportunity | Sales Order > Order tab > Sales Order pod | String | The opportunity associated with the sales order. |
opportunity_recid | Number | |||
restrict_downpayment_flag | Restrict Down Payment | Sales Order > Finance tab > Invoicing Options pod | Boolean | Indicates that the downpayment has been restricted. |
sales_order | String | |||
sales_rep_id | String | |||
sales_rep_name | Sales Rep | Sales Order > Order tab > Sales Order pod | String | |
shipped_in_full | Boolean | |||
status | Status | Sales Order > Order tab > Sales Order pod | String | The status of the sales order. |
subtotal | Subtotal | Sales Order > Order tab > Sales Order pod | Number | The subtotal of the sales order excluding sales taxes. |
tax | Sales Tax | Sales Order > Order tab > Sales Order pod | Number | The sales tax amount of the sales order. |
total | Total | Sales Order > Order tab > Sales Order pod | Number | The total amount of the sales order. |
total_number_of_attached_products | Number | |||
updated_by | String |
Survey Responses
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
avg_score | Number | |||
comments | String | |||
company_name | String | |||
id | Number | |||
numberofquestions | Number | |||
percentage_points_received | Number | |||
percentage_points_received_non_formatted | Number | |||
submitted_by | String | |||
submitting_email | String | |||
summary | String | |||
survey_date | DateTime | |||
survey_points_possible | Number | |||
survey_points_received | Number | |||
ticket_board | String | |||
ticket_closed | DateTime | |||
ticket_closed_by | String | |||
ticket_contact | String | |||
ticket_number | Ticket # | Ticket > Surveys tab | Number | The ticket number. |
Ticket SLA Data Live
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
assigned_technicians | String | Is the resource list of technicians who have schedules on the ticket | ||
board | String | Board the ticket is on | ||
company_name | String | Name of the company on the ticket | ||
date_last_updated | DateTime | Last update to the ticket | ||
date_opened | DateTime | Date the ticket was created | ||
date_resplan | DateTime | Date stamp of the resolution plan | ||
date_responded | DateTime | Date stamp of the SLA responded date | ||
expected_resolution_expiration_date | DateTime | Expected date of resolution timeline | ||
expected_resplan_expiration_date | DateTime | Expected date of resplan timeline | ||
expected_responded_expiration_date | DateTime | Expected date of response timeline | ||
hours_to_resolution_goal | Number | Hours left till the set resolution SLA goal | ||
id | Number | |||
met_resolution_goal | String | Flag denoting if the resolution goal was met | ||
met_resplan_goal | String | Flag denoting if the resplan goal was met | ||
met_response_goal | String | Flag denoting if the response goal was met | ||
mins_to_resolution_goal | Number | Minutes till the resolution SLA goal | ||
mins_to_response_goal | Number | Minutes till the response SLA goal | ||
priority | String | Ticket Priority | ||
resolution_goal_hours | Number | Hours left till the set resolution SLA goal | ||
resolution_plan_goal_hours | Number | Hours left till the set resolution Plan SLA goal | ||
resplan_by | String | Who triggered the resolution plan SLA | ||
responded_by | String | Who triggered the response SLA | ||
response_goal_hours | Number | Hours left till the set response SLA goal | ||
sla_name | String | Name of the SLA plan for the ticket | ||
sla_status | String | Where in the SLA process is the ticket | ||
status | String | Ticket tatus | ||
summary | String | Ticket Summary | ||
ticket_number | Number | |||
ticket_owner | String | |||
ticket_owner_fullname | String |
Ticket Statistics Last 14 Days
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
acknowledgement_date | DateTime | The date the ticket was first associated with a status that marked it as being responded to. | ||
age_days | Number | A field that calculates the total number of days a ticket has been (or was) open. | ||
agreement_status | String | The current status of the agreement that the ticket is associated with. | ||
agreement_type | String | The type associated with the agreement that the ticket is associated with. | ||
board | String | The current ticket board that the ticket is associated with. | ||
closed_by | String | The member_id of the user that last placed the ticket in a status that marked it as closed. | ||
closed_flag | String | Indicates whether a ticket has been closed, based on the date_closed field. | ||
company_id | String | The company_id associated the company that submitted the ticket. | ||
company_name | String | The company that submitted the ticket. | ||
config_attached | String | Indicates if there are configurations associated with the ticket. | ||
contact | String | The contact that submitted the ticket. | ||
customer_responded | String | Indicates whether a customer has updated a ticket. | ||
customer_site | String | The individual site for the company that the ticket is associated with. | ||
date_closed | DateTime | The date the ticket was last associated with a status that marked it as closed. | ||
date_last_updated | DateTime | The date a ticket was last updated. | ||
date_opened | DateTime | The date a ticket was opened. | ||
hour_opened | Number | The exact hour a ticket was opened. | ||
hours_actual | Number | The actual hours worked on the entire ticket. | ||
hours_agreement | Number | The hours worked on the ticket that have are associated with an agreement, rounded up to the minimal billing unit. Example: If the minimal billing unit is 15 mins, this field would show 15 minutes for a ticket with 5 "actual" minutes. | ||
hours_billable | Number | The hours worked on the ticket that are marked as billable, rounded to the minimal billing unit. Example: If the minimal billing unit is 15 mins, this field would show 15 minutes for a ticket with 5 "actual" minutes. | ||
hours_budget | Number | The total hours budgeted on the ticket. | ||
hours_invoiced | Number | The billable hours worked on the ticket that have already been invoiced. This fields also rounds to the minimal billing unit. Example: If the minimal billing unit is 15 mins, this field would show 15 minutes for a ticket with 5 "actual" minutes. | ||
hours_nonbillable | Number | The hours worked on the ticket that are marked as non-billable, rounded to the minimal billing unit. Example: If the minimal billing unit is 15 mins, this field would show 15 minutes for a ticket with 5 "actual" minutes. | ||
hours_scheduled | Number | The hours scheduled on the ticket. | ||
id | Number | The unique Identifier for this dataset. In this case, the ticket number. | ||
internal_co | String | |||
is_assigned | String | Indicates if the ticket has been assigned, based on if it has an open schedule associated with it or not. | ||
location | String | The location associated with the ticket. | ||
metersolutionsla | String | Indicates if the ticket met the resolution SLA, after it has already been placed in a status that marked it as being resolved. (If the ticket has not been placed in a "resolved" status, then this field will be blank.) | ||
metresplansla | String | Indicates if the ticket met the resolution plan SLA, sfter it has already been placed in status that marked it as having a resolution plan. (If the ticket has not been placed "resolution plan" status, then this field will be blank.) | ||
metresponsesla | String | Indicates if the ticket met the response SLA, after it has already been placed in status that marked it as being responded. (If the ticket has not been placed in a "responded" status, then this field will be blank.) | ||
next_date | DateTime | The scheduled start date of a next schedule associated with the ticket. | ||
priority | String | The priority level of the ticket. | ||
resolution_date | DateTime | The date the ticket was last associated with a status that marked it as resolved. | ||
resolution_plan_date | DateTime | The date the ticket was last associated with a status that marked it as having a resolution plan. | ||
resolved_by | String | The member_id of the user that last placed the ticket in a status that marked it as resolved. | ||
resolved_flag | String | Indicates whether a ticket has been resolved, based on the resolution_date field. | ||
resplan_by | String | The member_id of the user that last placed the ticket in a status that marked it as having a resolution plan. | ||
responded_by | String | The member_id of the user that last placed the ticket in a status that marked it as being responded to. | ||
response_date | DateTime | The date the ticket was first associated with a status that marked it as being responded to. | ||
service_item | String | The service item associated with the ticket. | ||
sla_escalation_status | String | The current SLA escalation status the ticket is in (e.g., Pending Response, Pending Resolution). | ||
source | String | The source via which the ticket was submitted (e.g., Phone, Email Connector). | ||
status | String | The current status the ticket is in. | ||
subtype | String | The current sub-type associated with the ticket. | ||
summary | String | The summary, or title, of the ticket. | ||
ticket_number | String | The ticket number. | ||
ticket_owner | String | The full name of the resource listed as the ticket owner. | ||
ticket_owner_id | String | The member_id of the resource listed as the ticket owner. | ||
time_to_acknowledgement_minutes | Number | A field that PSA calculates to show the number of minutes it took to place the ticket in a status that marked it as being responded to. (This takes into account SLA criteria such as business hours, tickets hold statuses, etc.) | ||
time_to_resolution_hours | Number | A field that PSA calculates to show the number of hours it took to place the ticket in a status that marked it as being resolved. (This takes into account SLA criteria such as business hours, tickets hold statuses, etc.) | ||
time_to_resolution_plan_hours | Number | A field that PSA calculates to show the number of hours it took to place the ticket in a status that marked it as having a resolution plan. (This takes into account SLA criteria such as business hours, tickets hold statuses, etc.) | ||
time_to_response_minutes | Number | A field that PSA calculates to show the number of minutes it took to place the ticket in a status that marked it as being responded to. (This takes into account SLA criteria such as business hours, tickets hold statuses, etc.) | ||
type | String | The current type associated with the ticket. | ||
unresolved_age_weeks | String | A field that groups open tickets into an age group based on the "resolution_date" field. (Ex. 1 Week, 2 week, 1+ Month, etc). | ||
unsolved_age_weeks | String | A field that groups unresolved tickets into an age group based on the "closed_flag" field. (Ex. 1 Week, 2 week, 1+ Month, etc). |
Ticket Statistics Last 210 Days
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
acknowledgement_date | DateTime | The date the ticket was first associated with a status that marked it as being responded to. | ||
age_days | Number | The ticket age in days. | ||
agreement_name | String | The name of the agreement that the ticket is associated with. | ||
agreement_status | String | The current status of the agreement that the ticket is associated with. | ||
agreement_type | String | The type associated with the agreement that the ticket is associated with. | ||
board | Service_board | Service Desk | String | The current ticket board that the ticket is associated with. |
closed_by | String | The member_id of the user that last placed the ticket in a status that marked it as closed. | ||
closed_flag | String | Indicates whether a ticket has been closed, based on the date_closed field. | ||
company_id | String | The company_id associated the company that submitted the ticket. | ||
company_name | Company | Service Board | String | The company that submitted the ticket. |
config_attached | String | Indicates if there are configurations associated with the ticket. | ||
contact | Contact | Service Board | String | The contact that submitted the ticket. |
customer_site | String | The individual site for the company that the ticket is associated with. | ||
date_closed | DateTime | The date the ticket was last associated with a status that marked it as closed. | ||
date_last_updated | DateTime | The date a ticket was last updated. | ||
date_opened | DateTime | The date a ticket was opened. | ||
date_required | DateTime | The due date currently assigned to the ticket. | ||
hours_actual | Number | The actual hours worked on the entire ticket. | ||
hours_agreement | Number | The hours worked on the ticket that are associated with an agreement, rounded up to the minimal billing unit. Example: If the minimal billing unit is 15 mins, this field shows 15 minutes for a ticket with 5 "actual" minutes. | ||
hours_billable | Number | The hours worked on the ticket that are marked as billable, rounded to the minimal billing unit. Example: If the minimal billing unit is 15 mins, this field shows 15 minutes for a ticket with 5 "actual" minutes. | ||
hours_budget | Number | The total hours budgeted on the ticket. | ||
hours_invoiced | Number | The billable hours worked on the ticket that have already been invoiced. This field also rounds to the minimal billing unit. Example: If the minimal billing unit is 15 mins, this field shows 15 minutes for a ticket with 5 "actual" minutes. | ||
hours_nonbillable | Number | The hours worked on the ticket that are marked as non-billable, rounded to the minimal billing unit. Example: If the minimal billing unit is 15 mins, this field shows 15 minutes for a ticket with 5 "actual" minutes. | ||
hours_scheduled | Number | The hours scheduled on the ticket. | ||
id | Number | The unique Identifier for this dataset. In this case, the ticket number. | ||
impact | String | The impact level of the ticket. | ||
is_assigned | String | Indicates if the ticket has been assigned, based on if it has an open schedule associated with it or not. | ||
location | String | The location associated with the ticket. | ||
metresolutionsla | String | Indicates if the ticket met the resolution SLA or not, once it has already been placed in a status that marked it as being resolved. (If the ticket has not been placed in a "resolved" status, then this field will be blank.) | ||
metresplansla | String | Indicates if the ticket met the resolution plan SLA or not, once it has already been placed in status that marked it as having a resolution plan. (If the ticket has not been placed "resolution plan" status, then this field will be blank.) | ||
metresponsesla | String | Indicates if the ticket met the response SLA or not, once it has already been placed in status that marked it as being responded. (If the ticket has not been placed in a "responded" status, then this field will be blank.) | ||
next_date | DateTime | The scheduled start date of the next schedule associated with the ticket. | ||
priority | String | The priority level of the ticket. | ||
resolution_date | DateTime | The date the ticket was last associated with a status that marked it as resolved. | ||
resolution_plan_date | DateTime | The date the ticket was last associated with a status that marked it as having a resolution plan. | ||
resolved_by | String | The member_id of the user that last placed the ticket in a status that marked it as resolved. | ||
resolved_flag | String | Indicates whether a ticket has been resolved, based on the resolution_date field. | ||
responded_by | String | The member_id of the user that last placed the ticket in a status that marked it as being responded to. | ||
response_date | DateTime | The date the ticket was first associated with a status that marked it as being responded to. | ||
same_day_close | String | Indicates if a ticket was closed within the same day it was opened. | ||
same_day_resolved | String | Indicates if a ticket was resolved within the same day it was opened. | ||
service_item | String | The service item associated with the ticket. | ||
severity | String | The severity level of the ticket. | ||
sla_escalation_status | String | The current SLA "escalation status" the ticket is in (Pending Response, Pending Resolution, etc.). | ||
source | String | The source via which the ticket was submitted (Phone, Email Connector, etc.). | ||
status | String | The current status the ticket is in. | ||
subtype | String | The current sub-type associated with the ticket. | ||
summary | String | The summary, or title, of the ticket. | ||
team_name | String | The team assigned to the company that the ticket is associated with. | ||
territory | String | The territory for the company that the ticket is associated with. | ||
ticket_number | Number | The ticket number. | ||
ticket_owner | String | The full name of the resource listed as the ticket owner. | ||
ticket_owner_id | String | The member_id of the resource listed as the ticket owner. | ||
time_entry_count | Number | A count of individual time entries made on the ticket. | ||
time_to_acknowledgement_minutes | Number | A field that PSA calculates to show the number of minutes it took to place the ticket in a status that marked it as being responded to. (This takes into account SLA criteria such as business hours, tickets hold statuses, etc.). | ||
time_to_resolution_hours | Number | A field that PSA calculates to show the number of hours it took to place the ticket in a status that marked it as being resolved. (This takes into account SLA criteria such as business hours, tickets hold statuses, etc.). | ||
time_to_resolution_plan_hours | Number | A field that PSA calculates to show the number of hours it took to place the ticket in a status that marked it as having a resolution plan. (This takes into account SLA criteria such as business hours, tickets hold statuses, etc.). | ||
time_to_response_minutes | Number | A field that PSA calculates to show the number of minutes it took to place the ticket in a status that marked it as being responded to. (This takes into account SLA criteria such as business hours, tickets hold statuses, etc.). | ||
type | String | The current type associated with the ticket. | ||
unresolved_age_weeks | String | A field that groups open tickets into an age group based on the "resolution_date" field (e.g., 1 Week, 2 week, 1+ Month). | ||
unsolved_age_weeks | String | A field that groups unresolved tickets into an age group based on the "closed_flag" field (e.g., 1 Week, 2 week, 1+ Month). |
Time Entry Last 14 Days
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
adjustment | Number | The amount by which a time entry is adjusted. | ||
agreement | String | The agreement associated with the time entry. | ||
agreement_amount | Number | The monetary amount against an agreement associated with a time entry. | ||
billable_amount | Number | The monetary amount associated with a billable time entry. | ||
billing_status | String | The current billing status associated with the time entry. | ||
charge_code | String | The charge code associated with the time entry. | ||
company_name | String | The company associated with the time entry. | ||
date | Date | |||
date_end | DateTime | The end date associated with the time entry. | ||
date_entered | DateTime | The date the time entry was entered into the system. | ||
date_start | DateTime | The start date associated with the time entry. | ||
hours_actual | Number | The time amount associated with a time entry as it appears within the timesheet. | ||
hours_agreement | Number | The time amount against an agreement associated with a time entry (may be rounded up). | ||
hours_b | Number | The billable hours worked on the time entry rounded up to the minimal billing unit. | ||
hours_nb | Number | The non-billable hours worked on the time entry rounded up to the minimal billing unit. | ||
hours_nc | Number | The non-charge hours worked on the time entry rounded up to the minimal billing unit. | ||
hours_non_utilized | Number | Non-utilized hours on a time entry. | ||
hours_utilized | Number | Utilized hours on a time entry. | ||
id | Number | Time Entry Log ID. | ||
member_id | String | The memberID for the user who entered this time entry. | ||
ticket_board | String | The board that the ticket from the time entry is associated with. | ||
ticket_number | Number | The ticket number the time entry was entered against. | ||
ticket_summary | String | The summary of the ticket the time entry is associated with. | ||
ticket_type | String | The ticket type of the ticket the time entry is associated with. | ||
time_recid | Number | The unique ID for the time entry. | ||
time_status | String | The current status of the time entry. | ||
utilized | String | True/False flag determining whether a time entry is utilized or not. | ||
work_role | String | The work role associated with the time entry. | ||
work_type | String | The work type associated with the time entry. |
Time Entry Last 210 Days
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
adjustment | Number | The amount by which a time entry is adjusted. | ||
agreement | String | The agreement associated with the time entry. | ||
agreement_amount | Number | The monetary amount against an agreement associated with a time entry. | ||
billable_amount | Number | The monetary amount associated with a billable time entry. | ||
billing_status | String | The current billing status associated with the time entry. | ||
billing_unit | String | The billing unit associated with the time entry. | ||
charge_code | String | The charge code associated with the time entry. | ||
company | String | The company associated with the time entry. | ||
date | Date | The start date associated with the time entry. | ||
end_ | DateTime | The end date and time associated with the time entry. | ||
first_name | String | First name of the member who entered the time entry. | ||
hourly_cost | Number | Hourly cost of the time entry. | ||
hourly_rate | Number | Hourly rate at which the time entry is billed. | ||
hours_actual | Number | The time amount associated with a time entry as it appears within the time sheet. | ||
hours_agreement | Number | The time amount against an agreement associated with a time entry - this might be rounded up. | ||
hours_b | Number | The billable hours worked on the time entry rounded up to the minimal billing unit. | ||
hours_nb | Number | The non-billable hours worked on the time entry rounded up to the minimal billing unit. | ||
hours_nc | Number | The non-charge hours worked on the time entry rounded up to the minimal billing unit. | ||
hours_non_utilized | Number | Non-utilized hours on a time entry. | ||
hours_utilized | Number | Utilized hours on a time entry. | ||
id | Number | Time Entry Log ID. | ||
invoice_number | Invoice Number | String | The invoice number associated with the time entry. | |
last_name | String | Last name of the member who entered the time entry. | ||
location | String | The location associated with the time entry. | ||
member_id | String | The memberID for the user who entered this time entry. | ||
project | String | The project name associated with the time entry. | ||
project_number_and_name | String | The project number and name associated with the time entry. | ||
start | DateTime | The start date and time associated with the time entry. | ||
ticket_board | String | The board that the ticket from the time entry is associated with. | ||
ticket_number | Number | The ticket number the time entry was entered against. | ||
ticket_summary | String | The summary of the ticket the time entry is associated with. | ||
ticket_type | String | The ticket type of the ticket the time entry is associated with. | ||
time_cost | Number | |||
time_recid | Number | The unique ID for the time entry. | ||
time_status | String | The current status of the time entry. | ||
utilized | String | True/False flag determining whether a time entry is utilized or not. | ||
work_role | String | The work role associated with the time entry. | ||
work_type | String | The work type associated with the time entry. |
Time Sheets Data
BrightGauge Field Name | PSA Field Name | PSA Field Location | Field Type | Description |
billing_unit | String | |||
default_service_location | String | |||
default_work_role | Work Role | Time Entry > Overview pod | String | |
String | ||||
first_name | String | The first name of the member associated with the time sheet. | ||
hours_actual | Actual Hrs | Time Entry > Time Details pod | Number | |
id | Number | |||
last_name | String | The last name of the member associated with the time sheet. | ||
location | String | |||
member_id | String | |||
member_name | Member | Time Entry > Overview pod | String | |
member_type | String | |||
reports_to | String | |||
role | String | |||
time_period_end | End Time | Time Entry > Time Details pod | DateTime | |
time_period_start | Start Time | Time Entry > Time Details pod | DateTime | The initial date on the time sheet. |
time_sheet_due_date | DateTime | The due date for the time sheet. | ||
time_sheet_entered | Date | Time Entry > Overview pod | DateTime | The date the time sheet was entered. |
time_sheet_last_update | DateTime | The date the time sheet was last updated. | ||
time_sheet_last_updated_by | DateTime | |||
time_sheet_status | String | The time sheet status. | ||
title | String |