
With BrightGauge’s integration to ITBoost™, a ConnectWise solution, you can access real-time data about your company within BrightGauge.


ITBoost Integration SetupEdit section

  1. Navigate to the DATA dropdown.
  2. Select Datasources.
  3. Click Add a New Datasource
  4. Navigate to the Other tab and select ITBoost.
  5. Enter the integration name in the Name field.
  6. Select the subdomain for your ITBoost instance (based on region) from the Site drop-down.
  7. Enter the API key from ITBoost in the IT Boost API Key field.
  8. Click Test Connection.
  9. Click Save.
    Note: The data can take anytime between 0 and 24 hours, depending on the connection and data load time.

How to Generate an API Key in ITBoost

  1. Navigate to ITBoost
  2. Click the gear icon in the top right corner. 
  3. Click Integrations.
  4. Click the tab labeled Other.
  5. Click BrightGauge.
  6. Click Generate Key to create an API key.
  7. Use the generated key in the integration setup process within BrightGauge. 

Default DatasetsEdit section

To locate your datasets, navigate to DATA > Datasets.

  • Custom Expiry: The Custom Expiry dataset is related to the Custom Assets feature in ITBoost. Custom Assets are customizable forms and fields that help create unique forms. They are used to document data about your services and applications. The Custom Expiry dataset tracks the expiration dates of these custom assets.
  • Knowledge Base: The Knowledge Base dataset is part of the Documentation module in ITBoost. It organizes your documentation using Knowledge Base tab. The Knowledge Base dataset contains this documented information.
  • SSL Expiry: The SSL Expiry dataset is related to the SSL Tracker feature in ITBoost. The SSL Tracker automatically retrieves and stores public details of certificate information that is SSL-secured. This dataset tracks the expiration dates of these SSL certificates.
  • Domain Expiry: The Domain Expiry dataset is related to the Domain Tracker feature in ITBoost. The Domain Tracker automatically retrieves and stores data from entered domains, such as expiry dates and DNS entries. This dataset tracks the expiration dates of these domains.

Default Dashboards

The following dashboards are included with the ITBoost integration:

  • Custom Asset Tracker
  • SSL Tracker
  • Domain Tracker
  • Knowledge Base View


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